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27. febrúar 2006 InnviðaráðuneytiðSturla Böðvarsson, samgönguráðherra 1999-2007

Food and fun festival

Sturla Böðvarsson ávarpaði gesti við opnun Food and fun festival síðastliðinn föstudag í Hótel- og veitingaskólanum.

Mr. Mayor, Anthony Williams and Mrs. Dianne Williams. Honoured guests, - ladies and gentlemen!

In recent times, Iceland has become one of the hottest tourist destinations. A true Mecca for outdoor loving PEOPLE, adventure seekers and lovers of great food.

Icelandic food can now be found on the menus of many fine restaurants around the  world but we highly recommend that you come directly to Iceland to experience our culinary delights.

We try hard to achieve Freshness - Purity - High Quality - and Great Taste.  The crystal clear and clean waters in and around Iceland and the cool and healthy climate guarantee some of the  success – our chefs take care of the rest.

The Iceland Food Festival is an opportunity to demonstrate to the world just how SPECIAL our food really is. Thanks to The Icelandic Restaurant Industry, in particular The Icelandic Chefs, who through their hard work and skills, have brought fame and accknowledgment to the Icelandic cusine.

I wish to thank the Mayor of Washington for honouring Food and Fun with his and his wife´s presence. We appreciate it and I hope, Mr Mayor, that your visit will be memorable as well as enjoyable.

I would also like to thank the organizers and sponsors of this grand festival – Icelandair, Iceland Naturally and the Icelandic Agricultural Association as well as the many restaurants and other partners who are simply too many to mention.  Last but certainly not least: special thanks to The Culinary School of Iceland where we now stand.

I hereby declare the fifth Iceland Food & Fun Festival, officially OPEN.   







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