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29. mars 2017 MatvælaráðuneytiðANR Ræður og greinar Þorgerðar Katrínar Gunnarsdóttur

Ræða ráðherra á hestasýningunni Equitana, 25. mars 2017

Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, Liebe Islandpferde-Freunde, Dear Guests

It is a great honor and pleasure for me – being an enthusiastic horse rider myself - to attend the Equitana Equestrian Sports World Fair in Essen here in Essen and to give this opening address at the very impressive Horses of Iceland stand. I cannot guarantee that I will stand comparison to the 360-degree video of the Icelandic horse in virtual reality but I will do my best to entertain you.

The Icelandic horse forms a strong part of the Icelandic culture and identity of Icelanders. It has been our reliable servant and friend since settlement and due to geographical isolation of the island it is still one of the oldest and purest horse breeds in the whole world. 

Today some 250 thousand Icelandic horses? are spread over the world and therefore we consider it to be one of Iceland's strongest international brands. It is a source of joy to thousands of families all over the world.  Germany is the second biggest home to our horse after Iceland itself. I would like to use this opportunity to express gratitude to all of you here today and especially to Germany for having played such an important role in the recent history of the Icelandic horse.

With the invention of modern transport many feared that the Icelandic horse would become obsolete and without a purpose. However, things turned out differently - the Icelandic horse still matters for many. We have managed not only to secure the role of the Icelandic horse internationally but also develop that old settlement breed - focusing on increased beauty, size, trustful character and powerful gaits - in a new way. 

Much has been accomplished internationally in the world of the Icelandic horse. However, still more work is needed in enhancing further businesses that are closely linked to the hobby and lifestyle surrounding it. The possibilities are endless! I hope all of us can join our forces and deepen our cooperation, both domestically and internationally, in order to reach even more solid and higher goals in all areas of the Icelandic horse in the future.

Stakeholders in the Icelandic horse community have joined hands to develop a strategic marketing plan to tell the story of the Icelandic horse in international markets under the moniker Horses of Iceland. The objective is to make more people aware of the good qualities of the Icelandic horse, all over the world. The focus will not only be on the horse itself, but also on horse-related services and products, with the aim to enlarge the Icelandic horse community.                    

This project is co-funded by the industry and Icelandic Government. The Government will contribute up to ISK 25 million per year for four years if that amount is collected from stakeholders. Many companies have already made their commitment to the project.

Finally allow me to compliment Íslandsstofa and Horses of Iceland for their imperative support in increasing the awareness, and strengthen the image of the Icelandic horse in international markets. With the objective of making more people aware of the good qualities of the Icelandic horse, the focus is not only on the horse itself, but also on services, and horse related products, with the aim to enlarge the Icelandic horse community all over the world. I would also like to thank the organizers of Equitana and the wonderful team for their marvelous work in preparing for all this. It has been a unique experience to be a part of the World Fair here in Essen where the Icelandic horse or “das Islandpferd” as you call him here, is (in my opinion) the main attraction. Thank you all for this wonderful time and your loyalty to the Icelandic horse. I hope to see many of you again in Iceland next year at the Landsmót National Horse Show in Reykjavík, Iceland and encourage you all to secure your tickets right here at the Horses of Iceland stand.

Enjoy the rest of the night! 


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