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28. júlí 2009 Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytiðKatrín Jakobsdóttir, mennta- og menningarmálaráðherra 2009-2013

Ávarp ráðherra á Youth Event 26. maí 2009

Dear participants,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome the European Youth Forum to Iceland to hold a Youth Event here in connection with the 1st meeting of the Ministers of the European Council, where the topic is "A New Notion of Media." The other day, people I know were discussing computers with their children and telling them that when they themselves were kids, there weren't any computers. The children didn't say anything for a while, but finally they said: Well, how did you access the Internet?

For young people the Internet is as real as Australia. It's a place where you go to get knowledge, to meet people and to get entertainment.

It is important for young people to take part in the discussion on media and new ways in communication. With all the new technology and things like Youtube and Facebook the world has expanded. Many people of older generations find themselves like digital immigrants in this part of the world. Young people on the other hand have this technology and its opportunities in their blood, sometimes called digital citizens. They are what has been called, prosumers, a hybrid of consumers and producers.

It is important to understand that this new media needs great responsibility, both for those who use them as well as for those that operate and own such communication networks. These communication tools and media carry with them great opportunities, but also threats. It's much easier to get information and at the same time it's important to be aware of the quality of information. Media literacy is one of the important issues of today: to know who is talking and why. Many matters of privacy are also unsolved, the use of personal information and anonymity.

When these subjects are addressed it's important that young people take part. And of course the participation of young people in discussions on current social and political issues is important at all times. Young people need to be heard and acknowledged in modern society.

There are many ways to be acknowledged, to have your voice heard. Taking part in activities of youth organizations is a important experience and a good preparation for life. It strengthens our social skills and networking. It makes us stronger as individuals and also as a society.

For many young people politics are not appealing. Many regard politics as a constant quarrel of people only thinking about themselves. Unfortunately in many cases they are right. That's not only the responsibility of the politicians. The politics will never be better than the society. It's important that young people take part in political parties. It's our common goal, as a community, to guide our nations in the right direction. It's your duty as a citizen to take part. The attitude "I hate to say, I told you so" is not likeley to save the world.

In Iceland a new Youth Law was passed in 2007, including a number of new provisions. One of the main emphasis of the law is to support the participation of children and young people in organized youth activities and to increase their awareness of democratic principles. The law requires that all communities work to establish Youth Councils that serve as advisory bodies for the communities on the issues of young people.

One of the greatest challenge the world is facing is the climate change. Environmental issues are the most important even though we're facing a crisis in economy. The battle for environment is closely linked with human rights and the fight against poverty in the world. Young people shouldn't be afraid to think about the big picture.

I urge you to use your talent, to make your voices be heard. There are endless opportunities and usually the limits lie within ourselves.

Dear conference delegates,

I hope your discussions here today and tomorrow will be lively and fruitful, and wish you a good conference.


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