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13. nóvember 2012 Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytiðKatrín Jakobsdóttir, mennta- og menningarmálaráðherra 2009-2013

Við stjórnvölinn

Dear Conference Guests,

“You are in Control.”   –?

It is a bold statement that is given as a heading for this conference which is now being held here in Iceland for the fifth time. As a mother of three young boys that firmly believes that 24 hours in the seven days per week are nowhere enough, this statement does not always ring true. I'm sure that some of you know the feeling.  Are we always in control?

Without getting too philosophical at the start of the conference, I believe that the answer to this question is at least in part a question of your basic frame of mind. Are we governed by fate, or do we have a say in our own destiny?

The “creative person” is not a fixed entity in any way. The participants here today are for example a diverse group, coming from different settings within the fields of music, media, arts, literature, films, design, gaming and so on.  Some are self-reliant, some may work in many different groups or clusters, and some are part of big modern companies or governmental bodies. Many split their time and efforts between multiple projects that are being run parallel.

But one thing may be a common characteristic feature for the present company: we are all likely (and here I include myself) to benefit from stepping away from our daily task for a moment to re-evaluate what we are doing. We are all likely to benefit from a certain creative approach to our routine once in a while – I know I am.

This is why an inter-disciplinary approach to creative thinking is so important. We all know how influences from totally different directions can spark good ideas, or how a certain reshuffling of a fixed method of doing things can result in a fresh view.

It is worth remembering that the last five years in Icelandic history, which coincide with the lifespan of this conference, have been lively to say the least. The economic crisis of 2008 brought about a rethinking in many sectors of society, although some may have wished for an even deeper self-criticism and deliberation of what went wrong. 

It is clear to me that one of the results of this deliberation has been an increased awareness of the creative powers that are in place in this country. The government has been involved in mapping out these different sectors and the support that they received from public funding by the state and local authorities.  We have also been made aware of the economic impact that the creative sector has on Icelandic society. The result of this study came as a positive surprise to many, even those who believe they had a steady finger on the economic pulse of the nation.

The Icelandic government sees it as an important role to support the creative industries and will continue that support on a cross-governmental platform. As the minister responsible for education, science and culture, it is my view that the on-going governmental support for our creative industries is an important element in our industrial and innovative policies, as well as adding to the well-being, prosperity and development of our society in general.

We have to keep in mind that the rhetoric is relatively new, and in political and governmental circles it has only recently began circulating and taking on form. How for example is the interrelationship between the arts in general, the cultural heritage, between cultural and creative research and the creative industries in a small society like Iceland? Just like you here in this room, we that deal with these issues in the political arena are in a learning process.   

The last five years have also been a time of great technological changes, although it sometimes feels like these rapid changes are a given norm in our times. The interconnectivity of us all on the multiple internet platforms available seems to be developing at an exponential rate. A conference like You are in control springs from these interesting cultural and technological changes. The possibilities in marketing, network building and inspiration-seeking appear limitless in our digital age, but these require an understanding of the different media and platforms. This is something this conference can help develop.  It is important to bring together our creative, business, digital and investment experts so that ideas fostered by one group can be developed to their full potential; increased cooperation between all sectors is vital to this effort.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the You Are In Control 2012 conference. And to our foreign guests: Thank for being with us today to share ideas and connections, and I wish all participants a successful and enjoyable conference.

Thank you


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