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08. apríl 2013 Mennta- og barnamálaráðuneytiðKatrín Jakobsdóttir, mennta- og menningarmálaráðherra 2009-2013

MEP - Education, Mobility, Democracy

Dear MEP members

Looking at the list of topics that will be under discussion here at your parliament in Reykjavik is both interesting and a bit overwhelming. Education and Mobility, Democracy in regards both to distrust and participation and Global Warming are among the issues on the agenda. [ - Wheew! ]

The tasks that face western communities in today's world are daunting and if one aims to take part in the political arena it is best to do so well aware of future problems. We need to tackle the problems with open eyes.

Involvement in politics often has over it a certain aura. Through television and movies we are fed with images of powerful men in suites taking important decisions at the last moment, sometimes in order to save the world from extinction.

As you know – given that you have a genuine interest in politics – this is far from the truth. Many of the decisions made each day, the multitude of ideas that are put forward in the political discussion, influence in the end the every-day things in life.

It is often forgotten that Politics are involved with the whole of society, big and small. Most of us are concerned with the most normal everyday things. Parents are interested in the schooling of their kids, we want to feel safe, healthy and warm, we want to make an effort in our everyday tasks.

The most important feature of a politician in my view, is to be a good listener. Not just to listen to one sector of society and not just to be good at pretending to be a good listener. That does not mean that you let every idea or statement influence your own ideas. But it means that you are open to reasoning and able do delegate decisions, while always being mindful of the fact that you control your own vote (like when I use my vote here in parliament) or that the political responsibility ends with you (like is case in my work as the minister of education, science and culture). You have to be able to listen to good ideas in our very complex world were it is impossible to know everything about everything.

A society is based on the connections between us. It is based on the families, trust and the help we can get when things are hard. But let's broaden the perspective: We are part of a large world where we Icelanders are well-of in comparison with the vast majority of the world. The problems that face us are significant. A globalized world, based too heavily on the interest of finance, has made the difference between rich and poor exaggerated. We have to start asking ourselves if we want to define all our interactions as business between two parties. This is the mind-set that the market forces seem to want us to develop.

We always have to keep in mind the fact that we are working for the greater good. That the things put forward by any of the three branches of government always influence the lives of someone else. But for a politician that wants to influence the world and work for the greater good, one feature is very important. You have to be mindful of the fact that good things come to those who wait. Change does often not come about quickly. That is why voters and the media should be critical of the of voices that promise the world a week before elections. It is often easy to propose big quick solutions to problems without saying much about cost, execution or sacrifices that may come about at a later date.

In my view a society of balance, social justice and responsible growth is the way to go forward. We need to develop a society mindful of the impact our lifestyles can have on nature and mindful of sustainable well-being, not just for us but for coming generations.

And that is why it is very good to see you young people coming generations taking a genuine interest in politics.

Welcome to Iceland and have a great and thought-provoking parliament.


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