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19.09.2024 14:56 Félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytið

Ávarp ráðherra við verðlaunaafhendinguna Nordic Pioneer Prize 2024

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðherra og samstarfsráðherra Norðurlanda, við verðlaunaafhendingu Nordic Pioneer Prize sem fram fór í sendiráði Íslands í Danmörku:

Dear guests.  

It is an honour to speak to you today as we celebrate the innovation of young people in the Nordic countries. While we look forward to the future, it is often useful to take a brief glance at the past.
At the end of World War II, the world stood at a crossroads. A simple, yet powerful, idea began to take hold: that every person, no matter where they live, deserves the same basic rights. This idea was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emerging in a time when humanity was grappling with the devastating consequences of hatred and bigotry.  

In the 76 years since we optimistically adopted the Universal Declaration, we have learned that when something is repeated often enough, people start to believe it. The messages we hear again and again shape our perception of reality. While I, and hopefully all of us, deeply respect and defend the freedom of speech, we cannot allow xenophobia and bigotry to become normalised. We must constantly remind ourselves that the freedoms we have gained can also be lost. Building a better society—one where everyone can thrive—is vital. Our tools in this effort must be positivity, role models, and unity. We must not stand by in silence when faced with unfounded arguments fuelled by fear and hate. If we become passive observers, we lose.  

That is why we are here today: to celebrate those who care, who take action, and who show compassion, understanding, and courage. Sometimes, without even realising the impact they have, these individuals become vital role models, nurturing the future we need. They promote democracy and equality, standing for the kind of world we all should aspire to create.  

Our realities are complex and multi-layered. Social media is just one of the many ways we communicate, make the world more open accessible, and share and create ideas. Yet it also has a downside—negative comments and hidden identities. Today's role models aren't confined to posters on the bedroom walls of young people in Scandinavia. They exist on smart phones, engaging in meaningful conversations and making a real impact. These role models come from sports, fashion, music, the arts, and many other fields. They are creative innovators who have the power to change minds and open hearts to a world of diversity. A world where there is space for everyone, where no one needs to fear the unique identities, talents, skills, and opinions of others. We are not defined by one label; we belong to many things at once. Our well-being is best preserved when we aren't forced into a narrow box of limited roles.  

I urge you all to keep challenging the stereotypes others expect you to fulfil. Keep raising your voices, celebrating your differences, and enjoying what you share with others. Continue learning from one another and don’t be silent. Be the positive energy the world so desperately needs. Just keep being yourselves, and I believe we will be alright.  

Congratulations to all those honoured today. We look forward to seeing you on the next summit, in your next post, or showcasing your latest creations. 


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