UPR48 - All statements made by Iceland
Monday 20 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 60 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 9 of 125)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of Italy and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Amend the Criminal Code to criminalize femicide and incorporate a definition of rape as lack of freely given consent.
- Promote and protect SRHR and guarantee access to sexual- and reproductive health services.
- Guarantee access to safe abortion and post-abortion care.
- Ensure the provision of comprehensive sexuality education in and out of schools.
- Ensure the full legal recognition of same-sex couples and their families, including marriage, adoption rights, and parental recognition.
- Ban conversion therapy.
I wish Italy all success for its review.
I thank you.
El Salvador
Monday 20 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 95 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 75 of 78)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of El Salvador and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Abolish the death penalty in all circumstances and withdraw all reservations to the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR.
- Ratify the Optional Protocol to CEDAW.
- Implement targeted measures to prevent and address all forms of gender-based violence.
- Ensure effective accountability measures and comprehensive support services for GBV survivors.
- Decriminalize abortion in all circumstances.
- Ensure safe and legal access to abortion and post-abortion care.
- Amend the Family Code to legalize same-sex marriage.
- Adopt a gender identity law to ensure the legal recognition and protection of transgender persons, including their right to self-identity.
I wish El Salvador all success for its review.
I thank you.
The Gambia
Tuesday 21 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 60 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 108 of 118)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Gambia and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Abolish the death penalty.
- Enforce the Women’s (Amendment) Act and eradicate FGM.
- Criminalize marital rape by amending Section 3 (3) of the Sexual Offences Act.
- Protect and promote SRHR and ensure access to sexual and reproductive health services for all.
- Decriminalize abortion in all circumstances.
- Amend the Criminal Code to decriminalize and legalize same-sex relations between consenting adults.
- Develop, enact, and enforce comprehensive legislation that criminalizes all forms of discrimination against persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish the Gambia all success for its review.
I thank you.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Tuesday 21 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 70 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 102 of 102)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Finance the implementation of the Comprehensive Act on Guaranteeing a Life Free from Violence for Women.
- Amend the Family Code to eliminate all exceptions to marriage under the age of 18.
- Legalize abortion in all circumstances.
- Protect and promote SRHR and ensure access to sexual and reproductive health services.
- Guarantee the right to equal marriage for same-sex couples (and their enjoyment of all rights deriving from marriage and civil union).
- Overturn all legal provisions that discriminate against transgender persons.
- Ensure that the murders of trans women are classified as femicide.
I wish Bolivia all success for its review.
I thank you.
Wednesday 22 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 90 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 22 of 83)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Republic of Fiji and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR.
- Ratify the Optional Protocol to CEDAW.
- Strengthen existing legal frameworks to prevent and respond to GBV and hold perpetrators to account.
- Enhance support services for GBV survivors.
- Eradicate child, early, and forced marriage.
- Decriminalize abortion and repeal Sections 235 and 236 of the Criminal Act.
- Guarantee the right to health and health services for all, including for transgender persons.
- Develop a comprehensive SOGIESC policy with the aim of eradicating all forms of discrimination against persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish Fiji all success for its review.
I thank you.
San Marino
Wednesday 23 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 140 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 9 of 56)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the San Marino and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Adopt a comprehensive national action plan on violence against women that addresses all forms of violence in line with the Istanbul Convention.
- Ensure the full implementation of the 2021 referendum legalizing abortion and remove all remaining barriers to safe and legal abortion.
- Legalize same-sex marriage and amend family law provisions to guarantee equal rights for all couples.
- Expand existing anti-discrimination legislation to explicitly include gender identity and sex characteristics.
- Establish mechanisms to collect disaggregated data on the lived experiences of persons of diverse SOGIESC to inform policymaking.
- Foster collaboration with relevant civil society organizations to advance policies and initiatives that protect and promote the human rights of persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish San Marino all success for its review.
I thank you.
Thursday 23 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 65 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 78 of 110)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Build on recent advancements and amend the Penal Code to criminalize all forms of gender-based violence, including marital rape.
- Amend the Criminal Code to define rape as the lack of freely given consent.
- Ensure the provision of CSE in and out of schools.
- Amend Article 145 of the Criminal Code to explicitly protect persons of diverse SOGIESC.
- Repeal the so-called LGBT propaganda law.
- Abolish the requirements for mandatory sterilization and psychiatric evaluations for legal gender recognition and implement a process based on self-determination.
I wish Kazakhstan all success for its review.
I thank you.
Thursday 23 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 70 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 87 of 107)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation Angola and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Expand on the advancements of the National Policy for Gender Equality and Equity
- Adopt a comprehensive law to combat all forms of violence against women.
- Decriminalize voluntary termination of pregnancy.
- Legalize access to safe abortion under all circumstances and post-abortion care.
- Remove all exceptions to the minimum age of 18 years for marriage.
- Implement the ICPD 25 commitment to increase access to youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services, and mainstream CSE in schools.
- Enact comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation that explicitly ensures effective protection for persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish Angola all success for its review.
I thank you.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Thursday 23 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 65 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 78 of 111)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its national report.
In a constructive spirit, Iceland recommends the following:
- Abolish the death penalty.
- Cease all executions pending the abolition of the death penalty.
- Share comprehensive data on the death penalty and executions with the UN.
- Repeal the ‘Hijab and Chastity’ law and all other laws enforcing compulsory veiling and discriminatory dress codes.
- Criminalize all forms of GBV and guarantee accountability for all GBV acts, including state-sponsored violence.
- Decriminalize same-sex relations between consenting adults.
- Ensure that persons of diverse SOGIESC are not subjected to electric shocks and other forms of torture.
I wish Iran all success for its review.
I thank you.
Monday 27 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 85 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 83 of 89)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of Madagascar and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Ensure implementation and funding of a renewed national strategy on ending GBV in line with Act No. 2019-008.
- Protect and promote SRHR and ensure access to sexual and reproductive health services for all.
- Decriminalize and legalize abortion in all circumstances.
- Remove all exceptions to the minimum age of 18 years for marriage, including in the Law on Marriage and Matrimonial Regimes.
- Combat child marriage by renewing and strengthening the expired National Strategic Plan on Child Marriage (2018-2024).
- Ensure the provision of comprehensive sexuality education in and out of school settings.
- Amend Article 331 of the Criminal Code to ensure the age of consent is equal for all, irrespective of sexual orientation.
- Enact comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation that explicitly ensures effective protection for persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish Madagascar all success for its review.
I thank you.
Monday 27 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 75 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 10 of 100)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of the Republic of Iraq and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Abolish the death penalty and ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR.
- Repeal all gender-discriminatory provisions of the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and other legislation to ensure equal legal protections for women.
- Repeal all provisions in the Personal Status Law that discriminate against women and girls, including in marriage, divorce and custody.
- Expand access to CSE in and out of school settings.
- Decriminalize and legalize abortion under all circumstances.
- Decriminalize same-sex relations and gender-affirming care.
- Enact anti-discrimination legislation explicitly prohibiting discrimination based on SOGIESC.
I wish Iraq all success for its review.
I thank you.
Tuesday 28 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 75 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 73 of 100)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of Slovenia and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Adopt and fund a comprehensive strategy to combat all forms of GBV.
- Implement effectively the amended Criminal Code provisions on rape and sexual violence.
- Strengthen and expand comprehensive and specialized support services for GBV survivors.
- Amend the Marriage and Family Relations Act and all related legislation to eliminate all exceptions to marriage under the age of 18.
- Eradicate all forms of discrimination against persons of diverse SOGIESC.
- Introduce a transparent administrative self-identification process for legal gender recognition free from intrusive requirements.
- Ban medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex children.
I wish Slovenia all success for its review.
I thank you.
Tuesday 28 January 2024, 14:30 – 18:00
Speaking time: 50 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 133 of 142)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of Egypt and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Abolish the death penalty and ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR.
- Repeal all provisions in the Personal Status Law that discriminate against women and girls, including in marriage, divorce and custody.
- Criminalize marital rape.
- Repeal Law No. 10/1961 and Article 157 of the Egyptian Penal Code that may be used to target persons of diverse SOGIESC.
- Cease immediately all coercive and intrusive examinations of persons of diverse SOGIESC.
I wish Egypt all success for its review.
I thank you.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wednesday 29 January 2024, 09:00 – 12:30
Speaking time: 105 seconds
Statement by Iceland (no 54 of 72)
Mr. President,
Iceland welcomes the delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its national report.
In the spirit of constructive engagement, Iceland recommends the following:
- Harmonize all criminal legislation with the Istanbul Convention to comprehensively address all forms of GBV.
- Strengthen and expand access to adequately funded support services for GBV survivors.
- Ensure safe and legal access to abortion services across the country.
- Legalize same-sex marriage and amend family law provisions to guarantee equal rights for all couples.
- Ensure the provision of comprehensive sexuality education in and out of school settings.
- Introduce a transparent administrative self-identification process for legal gender recognition free from intrusive requirements.
I wish Bosnia and Herzegovina all success for its review.
I thank you.