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12. maí 2011 Umhverfis-٫ orku- og loftslagsráðuneytiðSvandís Svavarsdóttir, umhverfisráðherra 2009, umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra 2012-2013

Ávarp umhverfisráðherra á ráðstefnu um vistvænni byggð

Svandís Svavarsdóttir opnaði ráðstefnu um sjálfbæran arkitektúr og skipulag í Norræna Húsinu 12. maí 2011 með eftirfarandi orðum.

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

I welcome the opportunity to address you here at this conference on „sustainability in architecture and planning“.

This conference is very valuable for Icelandic architects, engineers, policy makers and other experts in the field of sustainability and certification systems for environmentally friendly buildings.

During the last decade a great emphasis has been placed on sustainability in Iceland. Climate change strategy and definition of goals with the interests of the future in mind and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are all a part of the effort to make Iceland more sustainable.

Land use plans and design and form of the built environment makes a difference when it comes to sustainable development. Planning is therefore a practical tool that can be used to manage and mitigate measures against environmental damage.

In the beginning of 2011 a new act on plannig and a new act on construction were implemented in Iceland. For the first time a national planning framework is now a part of the legislation.

The aim of the framework is to coordinate transport plans, regional plans, nature conservation plans, energy plans and other sectoral plans regarding land use. Among the objectives of the new act on planning are:

  • to encourage the rational and efficient utilization of land and natural resources,
  • to ensure the preservation of landscape, natural and cultural values and to prevent environmental damage and overexploitation, based on the principles of sustainable development,
  • to ensure security under the law in the handling of planning issues so that the rights of individuals and legal persons will not be neglected even though the common interest is the guiding principle,
  • to ensure that the public is consulted in the planning process and given the opportunity to participate,
  • to ensure the professional preparation of plans regarding the look of buildings, form and access for all.

Among the objectives of the new act on construction are:

  • to encourage the durability and efficiency of construction,
  • to encourage the protection of the environment based on the principles of sustainable development,
  • to ensure accessibility for all,
  • to encourage energy efficiency in construction works.

A large group experts have been working since late last year on writing proposals for a new planning regulation and a new building regulation. In this work lies a great opportunity to strenghten the emphasis of sustainable development in planning and building.

The first building in Iceland to get the BREEAM certification was the visitor center at Skriðuklaustur in Vatnajökull National Park.

Late last year the Icelandic Institute for Natural History which is under the supervision of the Ministry for the Environment moved to a new location in Garðabær. The new building that now houses the Institute is also one of the first buildings in Iceland to get the BREEAM certification.

The local plan for Urriðaholt where the new building for the Institute for Natural History is located has recieved two awards. In 2007, it was the LIVCOM silver award winner in the category of environmentally sustainable projects and furthermore it was also awarded the Urban Design Award from the Boston Society of Architects.

This conference is very valuable for Icelandic architects, engineers, policy makers and other experts in the field of sustainability and certification systems for environmentally friendly buildings.

I hope you have a successful conference.

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