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21. júní 2012 Umhverfis-٫ orku- og loftslagsráðuneytiðSvandís Svavarsdóttir, umhverfisráðherra 2009, umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra 2012-2013

Framsaga umhverfisráðherra við hringborðsumræður á Ríó+20

Framsaga Svandísar Svavarsdóttur umhverfisráðherra við hringborðsumræður sem hún tók þátt í 21. júní 2012 á Ríó+20 ráðstefnu Sameinuðu þjóðanna um sjálfbæra þróun. Erindið er á ensku. 

Looking at the way forward in implementing the expected outcome of the conference.

I would like to share with you the story of how Iceland is actively implementing the green economy. Hopefully, some of our experiences can help others with their own implementation.

Living in Iceland is a great privilege. We have a wealth of natural resources, a strong Nordic style welfare system and a natural environment with plentiful supplies of clean water, geothermal heat and beautiful nature, that not only brings joy to the hearts of the island‘s inhabitants, but attracts guests from all over the world.

Over the past few years, Iceland has experienced significant changes following the collapse of the banking system in 2008. The local currency plummeted in value, the stock exchange was almost wiped out, GDP dropped, unemployment multiplied and the government accepted the IMF's assistance out of the crisis. Slowly but surely, we are on the road towards recovery.

Building up from the crisis has proven to be fertile ground for a new way of thinking. There are two main points I would like to mention, which I believe have played a key role in our recovery – both of which are important in ensuring a balance between the three pillars of sustainable development.

The first point is equality. With the necessary cutbacks and raised taxes, care has been taken to distribute the burdens as fairly as possible. Taxes have been raised more on those with the highest income, more support has been put in place for the least fortunate. Post-crisis Iceland has less income disparity than Iceland of the boom years.

The second point is the green economy. We see the ongoing recovery not only as a chance to rebuild, but to build a better economy than the old one – and this better economy is green.

Two years ago the Icelandic Parliament began its journey to establish a clear vision regarding the green economy, and early this year, it unanimously approved a resolution on the strengthening the green economy in Iceland. The proposal puts forward fifty clear and concrete actions – many of them based on seeds already in the ground – to be implemented in the next three years.

The green economy can bridge the divide between the demand for growth and the creation of new jobs on one hand, and sustainable use of natural resource on the other. But let us always bear in mind that the green economy can only be part of the solution. Our need for growth must be revised. Growth, which is based on ever increasing use of natural resources, is by definition not sustainable.

The shift into a green economy will require some change in mindset and it will take time,  but it is perhaps just a small step on the necessary journey; to fundamentally change society and move away from resource-driven growth; an all-too strong belief in GDP as the measure of wellbeing.

Maybe we should look more towards our friends in Bhutan, where they calculate the gross national happiness. I can tell you that one of the points in Iceland‘s plan for the green economy is to calculate the Genuine Progress Indicator for Iceland and publish along with GDP measurements. When our banking system collapsed in 2008, we were quick to realize, that a strong GDP can change quickly.

Implementing the green economy is a way of stimulating growth through new thinking. We should see the green economy as an opportunity – a way of moving forward in the right direction. Iceland is willing to share its experiences with other countries.


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