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16. mars 2022 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Ávarp á framlagaráðstefnu vegna mannúðarástandsins í Jemen

Utanríkisráðherra ávarpaði framlagsráðstefnu vegna mannúðarástandsins í Jemen sem skipulögð var af samhæfingarskrifstofu aðgerða Sameinuðu þjóðanna í mannúðarmálum (OCHA) 16. mars 2022. 

Excellencies, co-chairs, ladies and gentlemen.

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen continues to be among the most catastrophic in the world.

After seven years of conflict, more than twenty million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance. The country’s infrastructure is in ruins and the people of Yemen have exhausted all means to cope with the situation.

The need for predictable and flexible funding to sustain our partner’s operations in Yemen has therefore never been greater.

Today, I reconfirm Iceland’s multi-year pledge for 2021-2023 of 285 million Icelandic Krona, or 95 million per year, directed towards OCHA’s Yemen Humanitarian Fund, UNFPA and WFP.

In addition, I am announcing a new pledge for 2022 of 30 million Icelandic Krona for UNHCR’s activities in Yemen, bringing our support to 125 million Icelandic Krona in 2022.

This is in addition to a 50 million Icelandic Krona allocation to UNHCR in Yemen at the end of 2021.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a sad fact that extreme poverty is on the rise after two decades in decline, and many countries are facing severe food security concerns. The need for humanitarian help is increasing correspondingly.

While the outlook is bleak, our only option is to step up to the task and work harder in support of those in need.

Iceland aims to do so, as is reflected in our planned increase in overall humanitarian assistance this year.

Thank you.


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