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11. apríl 2022 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Ávarp á fundi utanríkisráðherraráðs ESB

High Representative Vice President Borrell,

Dear colleagues,

I would like to use this opportunity to talk about values. 

Russia isn´t threatened by Ukraine. Russia isn´t threatened by NATO. Russia is threatened by the values we all share - with Ukraine. 

Last Friday I had the pleasure and honour to visit Vilnius at the invitation of Foreign Minister Landsbergis. It was the first time I visited Lithuania, a country that has such close ties to Iceland, through the fact that Iceland was the first country to recognize its independence in 1991. 

The warm welcome there was a reminder that solidarity and support granted at a critical moment will be remembered. All of us will want to look back and be able to say that when faced with the choice, we did everything in our power to help Ukraine win their battle for sovereignty and defend the values of freedom and democracy that we all share.  Vilnius has a beautiful city centre and everywhere you go you can see the symbols of solidarity with the people of Ukraine being proudly displayed.

Dear colleagues.

This is the first time an Icelandic minister for foreign affairs is offered to take part in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council. I am honored, and I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to High Representative Vice-President Borrell for extending this gesture of respect and friendship to Iceland. Thank you. Iceland is a proud friend to the EU and it's member states. We are a partner through the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the Schengen agreement and a number of other agreements.

In the ancient Icelandic poetry of Hávamál - the words of Odin, the most revered God of Norse Mythology - it says that the path to a good friend always seem short and straight, although the distance may be long — but the roads to a false friend are indeed always crooked, even if you don't have to change direction to encounter him.

For Iceland, the roads to our friends in the European Union are straight and short. I am delighted to be among faithful friends here today.

The invasion of Russia into Ukraine is a reminder to us all that we share values that are sacred, but can be diluted and lost, if they are not cherished and defended. 

In the preamble to the EEA agreement, it states that the signatories are convinced of the contribution that a European Economic Area will bring to the construction of a Europe based on peace, democracy and human rights.

Of course, the Treaty of the European Union, is also founded on the values of respect for human dignity, equality, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Another venue that most of us share is NATO. Its founding document also mentions core values that are worthwhile to defend, namely individual liberty, freedom and democracy.

Finally I mention yet another organization, the Council of Europe, whose very reason for existence is the defence of human rights. Iceland will assume the responsibility of the presidency of the Committee of Ministers, following Ireland, in November this year. We will use that venue and our voice to promote the basic human rights that we believe should be available to every human being. I count on the support of each of you around this table.

Dear friends. 

In Iceland there is a strong sense of solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Iceland will continue to align itself completely with sanctions imposed on Russia because of the invason.

The same applies to any sanctions imposed on Belarusian individuals and entities that share blame in Lukachenko's complicity in the invasion of Ukraine and the suppression of his people.

We will also continue to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, offer asylum to those who seek refuge and contribute as we can to the defence of Ukraine.

Russia's decision to invade Ukraine is because its leaders are threatened by the values we in this room cherish. Putin offers a worldview based on lies, where his own people are suppressed and his neighbours are threatened with violence. On the other hand we defend a system where dissent is an integral part of public discourse. Our values do not have to be beaten into our citizens with violence and subjugation.

Ours is the worldview that allows people to walks safely down their streets, to voice their opinion without fear of reprisal and to be able to trade freely and fairly with one another. In short to enjoy the beauty and freedom that life can offer. The big and complicated values and ideals are really there to defend the small and simple things. Those are worth protecting. It is important to continue to give hope to those who don't yet enjoy them and help those who are fighting not only for their lives, but also for their dreams.

I thank you all again.


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