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26. ágúst 2022 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Ávarp utanríkisráðherra á hátíðarsamkomu í Höfða í tilefni af þriggja áratuga afmæli stjórnmálasambands við Eystrasaltsríkin

Excellencies, Ministers, dear friends.

I would like to welcome you all here at Höfði House where more than 35 years ago President Ronald Reagan and President Mikhail Gorbachev met for a summit meeting that has widely been seen as an influential factor in ending the Cold War.

It was also here on this day in August - 31 years ago that the Foreign Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and the Foreign Minister of Iceland, Mr Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, signed the documents establishing diplomatic relations between each of the three Baltic countries and Iceland.

In the political context of that time - this event was unusal. The three Baltic countries had fought hard for their independence from the Soviet Union for many years. The legitimacy provided by international recognition was important to them. The Icelandic Government position with respect to the independence aspirations of the Baltic states was well known – but it waited for the right moment to take up the diplomatic relations. Evidently the right time was chosen.

After diplomatic relations were established at the meeting here in Höfði on the 26th of August 1991, other countries followed and the Baltic countries gained international recognition as independent nations within a short period of time.

In the three decades of relations between Iceland and the Baltic States, we have accomplished many things. This is reflected in our Joint Declaration today. We are close allies within NATO – and true partners in European political and economic cooperation, as well as in the international area. We stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in meeting today´s grave security threats and challenges. In our joint declaration we affirm our strong condemnation of Russia´s unprovoked, unjustified and unlawful war in Ukraine, which is a clear violation of international law and the UN Charter. We stress our steadfast unity with the people of Ukraine.

We all understand that it is essential that Ukraine will emerge victorious and that Russia’s illegitimate aims are defeated.

Dear friends,

Today we are here at Höfði to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Re-establishment of diplomatic relations in 1991. I would like to invite the foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to join me in signing this document stating our strong interest in fostering our continued cooperation and friendship.

I would ask the Presidents to stand behind their foreign Minister for the signature.

Ávarp flutt við sérstaka athöfn í Höfða í tilefni af því að 26. ágúst 1991 var skrifað undir yfirlýsingar um stjórnmálasamband Íslands við Eistland, Lettland og Litáen.


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