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24. febrúar 2023 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Opnunarræða á sérstökum viðburði til heiðurs Úkraínu á vegum Evrópuráðsins

Dear colleagues
Dear friends,

The 24 of February 2022 is a date that will be remembered. 

It is the day when a cold shiver of horror and immense sadness ran across the whole European continent; the day when we woke up to a world that seemed to have changed in the opposite direction of progress.

24 February 2022 marks the return of an age that we thought was over on our continent. The return of war and its litany of horrors.

The consequences of Russia's aggression against Ukraine are many and varied. 

What future lies ahead for our European project? How can we strengthen democratic security on our continent? How can we ensure that Russia is held accountable for the crimes committed and the damage caused? 

These questions must and will be addressed with resolve, in particular, at the Summit of Heads of State and Government in Reykjavik next May.

This morning's ceremony has another purpose. We are gathered here because we want to pay tribute collectively and solemnly to all the victims of the war of aggression against Ukraine. 

We want to turn our thoughts to those thousands of innocent children, women and men who have been killed, injured, or forever traumatized because of Russia´s unjustifiable decision to attack Ukraine. We pay homage to their pain and sacrifice.

We all admire the courage and determination shown by the Ukrainian people in the face of the terrible events they have had to deal with over the past year. 

We are also immensely grateful to all those people across Europe, whether governments, members of civil society or simply European citizens, who continue to help the Ukrainian people in one way or another to alleviate their suffering and help them win the war.

This assistance is a concrete expression of our solidarity with Ukraine that will not waver.

Thank you.


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