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27. febrúar 2023 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Ávarp fyrir hönd Norðurlanda á hliðarviðburði um mannréttindi og mannúðarmál í Úkraínu og víðar

Ávarp fyrir hönd Norðurlanda á hliðarviðburði um mannréttindi og mannúðarmál í Úkraínu og víðar


Distinguished delegates,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and my own country Iceland.

Russia’s brutal full scale invasion of Ukraine has caused immense suffering to the people of Ukraine.

The war has triggered an enormous humanitarian catastrophe in Europe. At least 8 thousand civilians have lost their lives and 14 million Ukrainians have been displaced.

Russia’s armed forces have deliberately attacked critical civilian infrastructure, including energy grids, power interconnectors and water stations.

We witness daily violations of international humanitarian law that in many cases constitute war crimes. The widespread suffering inflicted on civilians in Ukraine is unacceptable. Accountability for the crimes committed as part of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine must be ensured.

We urge Russia to adhere unconditionally to international humanitarian law. We demand that Russia immediately stops all military activity and withdraws all Russian military personnel and equipment from Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. 

The consequences of the war are not only felt in Europe. Because of Russia’s brutal invasion, people are suffering all over the world due to economic turmoil and food insecurity. This has detrimental effects on the ability of people in developing countries and in vulnerable situations to enjoy their fundamental human rights.

Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has brought to light how important it is to stand united in our fight for a just and fair international order, where democracy, human rights and the rule of law prevail.

We stand in full unity with Ukraine and its courageous people.

Utanríkisráðherra flutti ávarpið fyrir hönd Norðurlanda á hliðarviðburði um mannréttindi og mannúðarmál í Úkraínu og víðar sem fram fór í Genf, 27. febrúar 2023.


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