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27. febrúar 2023 Þórdís KRG - UTN

Ræða á áheitaráðstefnu um Jemen

Ræða á áheitaráðstefnu um Jemen


We are here today to draw the world’s attention to the fact to the suffering of the people of Yemen. Two thirds of the country’s entire population, over 21 million people, need urgent humanitarian assistance.

Eight years of conflict have left the country’s infrastructure in ruins and the people of Yemen at the end of their resources.

Displacement and economic deterioration are made even worse by repeated natural disasters. It is imperative that all parties continue to engage in the political process in view of ending the long-standing conflicts and find a peaceful solution.

The need for predictable and flexible funding to sustain our partner’s operations in Yemen has therefore never been greater.

Today, I confirm Iceland’s pledge for 2023 of 95 million Icelandic Krona directed towards OCHA’s Yemen Humanitarian Fund, UNFPA and WFP.

I am also pleased to announce a new pledge for 2023 of 30 million Icelandic Krona for UNHCR’s activities in Yemen, bringing our total support in 2023 to 125 million Icelandic Krona.

In addition, I am announcing a new 320 million Icelandic krona multi-year pledge for 2024-2025, or 160 million Icelandic krona per year. This support will also be channeled through OCHA’s Yemen Humanitarian Fund, UNFPA, WFP and UNHCR.

Ladies and gentlemen, 

This past year we once again experienced a rise in humanitarian needs around the globe and this year bodes to be even worse.

We share a collective responsibility to help those in need – let me assure you that Iceland will continue to do so.  

Thank you.

Ávarpið var flutt á áheitaráðstefnu um Jemen í Genf, mánudaginn 27.febrúar 2023.


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