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06. desember 2023 Bjarni Benediktsson

Follow-up conference​ of the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza, Videoconference, 6 December 2023

Follow-up conference 

of the International Humanitarian Conference for the Civilian Population in Gaza

Videoconference, 6 December 2023


Delivered by Permanent Secretary of State Martin Eyjólfsson on behalf of Minister for Foreign Affairs Bjarni Benediktsson.



Ministers, ladies, and gentlemen

I sincerely thank Minister Colonna for bringing us together, as well as UN heads of agencies for briefing us on the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza. Hearing their accounts of the civilian population´s suffering is nothing short of unbearable. 

The lack of food, electricity and water in Gaza is disastrous, and so is the severe disruption in health care. The risks of waterborne diseases are also very troubling. 

Humanitarian access needs to be drastically improved – the transport and delivery of aid needs to be continuous, and it needs to be in sufficient amounts. And obligations under international humanitarian law must be complied with by all parties. This call was emphasized in a resolution adopted unanimously by the Icelandic Parliament on 9 November.

While the humanitarian pause did provide some relief to the affected populations, it was only temporary. Regrettably the hostilities have resumed with full intensity with civilians bearing the brunt yet again.

Since the start of the hostilities Iceland has made three emergency allocations in support UNRWA’s critical humanitarian action in Gaza – placing Iceland among the Agency’s highest contributing countries per capita this year. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank UNRWA Commissioner-General and his brave staff for their dedicated work. Let me assure you that Iceland will continue its steadfast support to the Agency’s critical and life-saving endeavors. 

The international parameters for a long-term, sustainable solution to the conflict are clear: A two-state solution, based on international law, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security, and mutual recognition. 

Meanwhile, we join the UN Secretary General´s call for a sustained humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and the unconditional and immediate release of all remaining hostages.  

I thank you.





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