HRC58 - HLS Iceland statement - Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
58th Session of the Human Rights Council
High-level Segment
Statement by H.E. Thorgerdur Katrín Gunnarsdóttir
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Madam Vice-President,
I am tempted to begin my very first address to the Human Rights Council by quoting the preamble of the United Nations Charter, signed eight decades ago this June.
To recall the pledge that was made in 1945 in San Francisco USA to, and I quote, „save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,“ and, „to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small“.
It seems to me appropriate, as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the United Nations, to bring these fundamental principles back to our minds, since we regrettably appear to be moving through rather rough seas.
The international system is being challenged exactly when we need it the most, with worrying signs of willingness by major states to put aside all of that which has served us so well.
Once again there are those who seek to govern through the rule of the strongest, where might makes right, fundamental human rights be damned, equal rights of nations large and small no longer the guiding principle.
The examples of this dangerous trend of disregard for international law are unfortunately many – but the clearest sign is something we are very much focused on today, as we send our best wishes to the people of Ukraine.
Today marks the day that their neighbour, Russia, three years ago began its illegal and wholly unjustified full-scale invasion and war of aggression.
Slava Ukraini.
Distinguished audience,
It is my privilege to address this Council as the Foreign Minister of a country now serving as an elected member. This is the second time Iceland serves on the Council, following our half-term in 2018-2019. We return determined to actively contribute to the Council’s core mandate of advancing the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all people, and to address human rights violations and abuses anywhere.
The UN Charter’s preamble provides us with a guiding light in this sense, one we take to heart and pledge to uphold.
We recognize that global challenges cannot be solved only with those who agree with us on everything. We will therefore seek to engage with countries from all regions of the world in an inclusive manner towards our common goal of advancing the dignity of equality of all human beings.
During our membership, we will focus specifically on children and youth, on the rights of women and girls and on the rights of LGBTQIA+ people. There is ample reason to put these issues front and center.
We realize that not every United Nations member state has yet arrived at the same conclusion we have, that advancement of gender equality and human rights of all people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, is key to releasing the true potential of society; that equality and prosperity are in fact strongly linked.
To them I say that we are all God’s children, equal and entitled to the same rights and respect. We hope through our work on this Council to bring others further along with persuasion and perseverance.
It is a matter of some pride for us that Iceland is seen as a trailblazer in terms of gender equality. While we still have work to do at home, I want to share with you a recent development related to political participation and representation; namely that the new three-party coalition government, of which I am part of, is led by three women, a first in our history.
Iceland has also seen progress with regard to LGBTQIA+ rights. We have gone from number 18 in 2018 to number 2 on the ILGA-Europe rainbow map, as a result of legislative action.
We take pride in the policies that underpin this success and there is broad consensus around them at home.
Nevertheless, we are not immune in Iceland to the negative trends that have emerged internationally, the backlash against what I consider progress.
Ideologies that undermine the existence and rights of individuals, particularly transgender individuals, unfortunately flow across borders through social media. This is especially concerning as these ideologies now seem to originate in some of the most powerful countries in the world.
For me, the starting point is a simple truth: no person should have to live in fear of persecution and violence. This continues to apply if the persecution is based on a person´s sexual orientation or gender identity. And we will not hesitate to stand up on their behalf here in this venue, amplifying the voices of those who fight for their rights. Because we are all born free and equal.
Your Excellencies,
The founders of the United Nations eighty years ago determined to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, to unite their strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.
Theirs were worthy goals.
It would be wrong to say they have all been achieved without difficulty so far. Far from it. The Israeli warfare in Gaza for fifteen months following the Hamas terrorist attack on 7 October 2023 is only the latest testament of the failure of our system to address urgent crises. And yet that complex problem now seems more divisive than ever, the talk of removal of people from Gaza being only the latest example of the crossroads we now find ourselves at.
We also see conflicts elsewhere, where people live in fear and their human rights are being eroded. An example are the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, which now seem barely to exist. That should not be tolerated in our world.
Our international system, the rules-based order we have increasingly lived by, is under attack, by forces that mean to reshape our world, who ultimately want to do away with multilateralism altogether.
There is only one way to meet these challenges. We must redouble our efforts, recommit ourselves to principles laid out in the UN Charter.
It may prove difficult. It may require sacrifices – for sure it will require sacrifices since, after all, the world is a different place than it was in 1945, and the United Nations must reflect those changes through reform and renewal.
But by addressing in unison the challenges faced by humanity we are more likely to succeed and only with common rules can we act united.
We need to reaffirm our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of all people, in the equal rights of all people and of nations large and small.
I thank you.