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9. júlí 2019

Ávarp í umræðum um Súdan

Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Þorvarður Atli Þórsson, sendiráðunautur, flutti í dag ávarp í mannréttindaráðinu í umræðum um Súdan. 5. júlí síðastliðinn náðist samkomulag milli mótmælenda og leiðtoga súdanska hersins eftir mótmæli víða um land á síðustu mánuðum.


Enhanced interactive dialogue-Sudan

9 July 2019

Statement by Iceland


Madame Vice-President,

Iceland welcomes this enhanced interactive dialogue on the Situation in the Sudan as timely and thanks the speakers for their interventions and updates shared.

The Sudanese people are entitled to express their opinions, and – like people everywhere – they have a right to live in freedom and at peace, enjoying the rule of law and the conditions necessary to dignity.

The response of the Sudanese security forces to the recent peaceful popular uprising in the country was deeply troubling.

Recent news of an agreement being reached are therefore welcome, it was important to bring a peaceful end to the stalemate and bring the country on path towards elections. We would like to express our appreciation here for the efforts of the African Union and Ethiopia in supporting this agreement.

We are particularly pleased that the agreement includes a transparent and independent investigation into violence perpetrated during this protest. We need to ensure that those responsible for the deaths of over a reported 100 protestors and for the alleged rape and sexual abuse of both women and men, including female medical personnel working in the hospitals near the site of the attack on 3rd June, be brought to justice.

We continue to monitor the development in the Sudan and have high hopes that this is an important first step towards a democratic and free Sudan.

I thank you.



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