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12. febrúar 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ræða Íslands í sérstakri fundalotu mannréttindaráðsins um stöðu mannréttinda í Mjanmar

Madame President,

Iceland is deeply concerned over the situation in Myanmar.

We condemn the recent military coup and the subsequent actions of the Myanmar security forces who have arbitrarily arrested and detained hundreds of people. We call for the immediate release of all civilians, including all political leaders.

We remind the Myanmar military of their duty under international law to refrain from using excessive force against peaceful demonstrators protesting against the military coup. The world is indeed watching.

Madame President,

This is not the first time the situation in Myanmar is discussed by this august body.

The Myanmar security forces stand accused of having committed genocide and crimes against humanity against the Rohingya people. The civilian leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi has faced condemnation as well for defending these acts.

However, Aung San Suu Kyi and her party, the NLD, were the clear victors of the recent election. Its results must be recognized and the democratically elected government of Myanmar reinstated. Only with proper democracy, respect for human rights and accountability for serious international crimes can the people of Myanmar enjoy the future they rightly deserve.

I thank you.


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