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24. febrúar 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp á fundi ríkjabandalags um fjölþjóðasamvinnu

Ávarp á fundi ríkjabandalags um fjölþjóðasamvinnu (Alliance for Multilateralism)


Over the past year, the world has faced the enormous challenge of a global pandemic. 

It has underscored that in tackling global challenges, we need to pursue multilateralism and cooperation, not unilateralism and confrontation. 

And the global challenges of our times are many.

First, securing human rights in the online environment is becoming ever more pertinent.  

Indeed, while modern technology has brought valuable benefits, it has also provided tools to negatively disrupt civil discourse, sometimes undermining our democratic values and freedom of media. 

Multilateral initiatives can play a key role in countering these trends, such as the Media Freedom Coalition, of which Iceland is a proud member.

Second, as we jointly address our greatest common challenge - climate change - it is imperative to consider human rights in climate action.

Climate change disproportionally effects the poorest and most vulnerable, not least women and girls. We therefore need to incorporate gender perspectives in all climate-related initiatives.

Lastly, global health emergencies such as Covid-19 can only be addressed through concerted multilateral efforts.

Equal access to vaccines is critical, and so is a multilateral approach to the indirect economic and social impacts of the pandemic.

Iceland is committed to play its part, including through support to Act-A.

It is also key that lessons from this pandemic feed into a strong global health emergencies’ preparedness and response framework.

In closing, multilateralism cannot be taken for granted. It needs to be continuously nurtured and adapted to the evolving global landscape.

We are stronger together, than apart.



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