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22. mars 2021 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp í umræðum um mannréttindaástandið í Mið-Afríkulýðveldinu fyrir hönd Norðurlanda

Madame President,

I am honored to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries.

We thank the Independent Expert for his continued efforts to highlight human rights concerns in the Central African Republic. We remain thankful for OHCHR´s continued support of the human rights mandate of MINUSCA and pay tribute to the peacekeepers that lost their lives in recent months.

We continue to follow with great concern the human rights and humanitarian situation in the CAR and are appalled by reports of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights violations and abuses by armed groups, as well as by national security forces. Attempts to destabilize and hinder the legitimate aspiration of the people of CAR to determine their own future in free and fair elections must end.

All allegations of violations and abuses, including of the very prevalent sexual and gender-based violence against women and children, must be thoroughly, impartially, and effectively investigated. Accountability for past and recent human rights violations and abuses and an effective process of transitional justice is the only way to bring peace and stability to the country.

Let me ask the panel, how can we support accountability in the aftermath of presidential elections?

I thank you.


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