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30. mars 2022

Joint Nordic-Baltic statement for the Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner's Oral Update on Ukraine

Human Rights Council
49th session
Interactive Dialogue on the High Commissioner‘s Oral Update on Ukraine
Statement delivered by Lithuania on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries (NB8)

(90 sec. 217)


Mr. President,

On behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, I thank the High Commissioner for her oral update and the UN Human Rights monitoring mission in Ukraine for its work.

We stand united with Ukraine facing large scale unprovoked, unlawful and unjustified aggression by Russia, enabled by Belarus. We admire the courage of the Ukrainian people defending their country and legally binding norms of the international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter.

We urge Russia to immediately cease the attacks and deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, especially using explosive weapons, such as cluster munitions, in residential areas, which are grave violations of international humanitarian law. We demand Russia to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all its troops from the entire territory of Ukraine.

Russia is responsible for the bloodshed of innocent people, including women and children, and for millions lives destroyed. All human rights violations and suspected war crimes must be investigated and accountability ensured.

Accountability matters.

Justice cannot be escaped.

The international community must do everything to hold Russia and its accomplice Belarus to account.

The Nordic-Baltic countries commend the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry and call for its immediate operationalization.

Madam High Commissioner, what more could be done to strengthen our efforts in seeking justice for victims and accountability of perpetrators?



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