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16. júní 2022

50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Dialogue on the High Commissioner oral update on the situation in Mariupol

50th Session of the Human Rights Council

Item 2 – Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner oral update on the situation in Mariupol (Ukraine, res S-34/1)

Statement by Iceland

16 June 2022

Mr. President,

Iceland thanks the High Commissioner for her briefing on the devastating situation in Mariupol. What we have heard today has unfortunately become a common thread in Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine. 

Mr. President,

The reports of the atrocities committed by the Russian military in Ukraine are shocking. Blatant disregard for human lives is a signature of Russia’s warfare for the past months.

The Russian military continues to flagrantly violate the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, by way of executions, sexual and gender-based violence, arbitrary detentions, enforced displacements and shelling of hospitals and schools. This is something we have unfortunately seen in multiple cities across Ukraine, including Mariupol and Bucha.

Mr. President,

We must continue to collectively fight against impunity for violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Those responsible for committing those atrocities against civilians must be brought to justice.

Iceland fully supports the Commission of Inquiry and other initiatives to this end, including the investigation of the ICC. Iceland also commends the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and other States in their joint efforts along with the ICC to facilitate investigations and prosecutions in the concerned states as well as those that could be taken forward before the ICC.

I thank you.


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