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5. september 2022 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Ávarp utanríkisráðherra á alþjóðlegum leiðtogafundi Norðurlandaráðs

Ávarp utanríkisráðherra á alþjóðlegum leiðtogafundi Norðurlandaráðs með þingmönnum frá Eystrasaltsríkjunum ásamt fulltrúum frá Úkraínu og stjórnarandstöðunni í Rússlandi og Belarús í Hörpu, 5. september 2022.

Chair, members of the Baltic Assembly and the Nordic Council, distinguished guests.

It is a pleasure to be addressing this meeting today.

But much more importantly - to be present and to listen to our guests from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

We are all gathered here today in the name of our commitment to democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The citizens of these three countries in Europe are all denied these rights, and the people of Ukraine suffer from a brutal invasion by their Russian neighbour.

It will remain vitally important that we all maintain our steadfast commitment to the justified aim of the people of Ukraine to expel the invaders and reclaim full control over the internationally recognized territory of the sovereign state of Ukraine. This will require patience and resolve. We must also stand strong with the brave people who stand up against the regimes of Putin and Russia. It is an honor to be in your presence.

Threats to stability, resulting from Russia´s actions in Ukraine, now come at us from many directions. Lies, distortions and discontent are being spread. The aim of Putin and his acolytes is to sow discord and attempt to destabilize European democracies through the economic effects of his war.

Events such as this today are of crucial importance to fight against his propaganda machine. The stories of the people that are being imprisoned, tortured and murdered by the authoritarian regimes in Europe must be told.

It is our duty as politicians and concerned citizens, to amplify these voices and make sure that they are heard.

It is also our duty to continue to provide support to Ukraine in line with their needs. They need assistance to defend their people and their land against a brutal invasion. We also need to provide financial help for the running of critical infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. And we need to show them support by continuing to sanction Russia.

The price that we in the west pay will be in currency - but the people of Ukraine are paying in blood, and dissidents in Belarus and Russia are also paying a heavy price. We must stand by them. It is the right thing to do. And not only is it the right thing to do - it is the sensible thing to do, as Putin and those who look up to him, will not stop at Ukraine if they get away with it.

For a small country like Iceland, respect for international law, and the rules-based order, is an existential issue, and I actually believe this to be the case for every country, even the largest ones.

The heroic defense of Ukraine and the struggle of dissidents in Belarus and Russia are therefore also our fight - and we must all find ways to contribute. 

Finally, let me express my gratitude to the Baltic Assembly and Nordic Council. I would also like to thank the Icelandic delegation to the Nordic Council for its initiative and our distinguished guests for participating in this event.

I wish you a fruitful discussion and hope that this event will strengthen the cooperation between the nations represented around the table.

Thank you.


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