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20. nóvember 2024

Joint Nordic Statement: Meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Ukraine

Statement by H.E. Ms. Anna Johannsdottir,
Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations
on behalf of the Nordic countries
Meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Ukraine
18 November 2024

Thank you, Mr. President.

I have the honour of delivering this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and my own country Iceland. I extend my appreciation to USG di Carlo for her briefing on behalf of the Secretary General. Let me also welcome the participation of Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha of Ukraine in today’s meeting. 

Today’s Council agenda covers two extremely serious situations. Following this morning’s briefings on the devastation in Gaza and Lebanon, particularly for civilians, we have now turned to the devastating consequences of Russia’s war.

Wednesday this week marks a grim milestone: 1,000 days of Russia’s harrowing war of aggression against Ukraine – 1,000 days of devastation and suffering for Ukraine’s people. 1,000 days of Russia’s massive attacks on civilian infrastructure in clear violation of the UN Charter. Russia bears sole responsibility for this humanitarian crisis, depriving millions of civilians of access to housing, water, heating, and electricity.  Russia’s attacks have severely damaged or destroyed more than half of Ukraine’s energy production capacity.

Russia’s full-scale war of aggression has had devastating consequences not only in Ukraine, but across the globe. In recent weeks, Russia has intensified its attacks against civilians, critical infrastructure, grain storage facilities, ports and civilian vessels in the Black Sea.

These attacks have serious repercussions for the world’s most vulnerable populations: those who rely on grain from Ukraine.

We cannot stand idly by in the face of such actions.

We will not accept a world where states can invade and subjugate their neighbours with impunity. Let us not forget that in the Ukrainian occupied territories, Russia is conducting a brutal campaign of cultural indoctrination and assimilation of Ukrainian children.

The United Nations was created precisely to prevent such acts of aggression—to protect the principles of peace, sovereignty, and the right of all nations, large or small, to exist in security and dignity.

Mr. President,

While Russia continues its onslaught, others are working doggedly to find a way out of this nightmare. The Ukrainian 10 Point Peace Formula, the Joint Communiqué on a Peace Framework and the recent Ministerial Conference on the Human Dimension of the Peace Formula hosted by Canada with Norway and Ukraine, make vital contributions to finding a way to peace.  Any peace initiatives must be in line with the rules and principles of the UN Charter, including respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and internationally recognised borders. Any peace plan must also be crafted in collaboration with Ukraine. Russia continues to reject peace and presses forward with its brutal assault on Ukraine.

Russia has engaged the largest ground forces to be seen in Europe since World War II.  In addition to the massive Ukrainian civilian and military casualties, Russia’s aggression over the last 1,000 days has resulted in hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers killed or wounded, another testament to the depravity of this war.

These massive losses, mainly of young men in their prime, have driven Russia to seek external support to sustain this illegal war.

The DPRK and Russia have engaged in illegal weapons transfers—ammunition, artillery, and ballistic missiles—fuelling and prolonging Russia’s aggression and violating numerous Security Council resolutions. All States have an obligation not to aid or assist in an aggression.

Russia’s decision to train and deploy troops from the DPRK on the battlefield marks a dangerous escalation that further threatens regional and international security. This Council has a duty to condemn this escalation unequivocally.

The Russian Federation is in continuous violation of international law as well as undermining the status and authority of the Security Council itself. 

Russia's desperation will not deter our resolve. We will continue to stand up for the UN Charter and for Ukraine’s right to defend its people and sovereignty in line with international law.

Mr. President,

We demand that Russia immediately withdraw its troops from Ukraine, reverse its illegal and dangerous course and end this destructive war.

Mr. President, while 1,000 days is a long time, there is one thing that has not changed – the Nordics will continue to stand with Ukraine, as we have done for one thousand days. And we will remain by your side in your struggle.

Thank you.


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