Global trendometer July 2018.pdf
report of 2015 estimated more than 800 tech start-ups being set up on a yearly basis, and projected
Report by Raising Awareness on sexual, emotional and physical violence against children
In this chapter a discussion is made about the content, implementation and follow-up of each and every
Networks can also be drawn upon for the follow-up of programme results.
Evaluation-of-the-UNU-Programmes-in-Iceland - Copy (1).pdf
Networks can also be drawn upon for the follow-up of programme results.
should take a lead in protection of free speech and freedom of expression9, but it has had limited follow-up
Speeches and Articles
49th session of the Human Rights Council: statement by Iceland during interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report on Ukraine
Rights Council: statement by Iceland during interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report
Uganda 2018 0108.pdf
involved throughout the whole construction process; granted psychosocial counselling and close follow-up
Speeches and Articles
Joint Statement on Report of the HRC to the Third Committee
critical role of the HRC in providing the International community with reliable, unbiased, evidence-based reports
AI_Occupational Safety and Health and the Future of Work.pdf
Airbus and Nissan are using cobots to speed up production and increase efficiency.
The effects of CBI's policy rate on interest rates in Iceland A report to taskforce on reviewing Iceland's
This was a follow-up of the Internal Review, and the following main recommendations were given related
Known and unknown risks Final Dec 20th 2017
The Nordic countries do not follow the same methods, some follow the
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/02-Rit--skyrslur-og-skrar/Known and unknown risks NWW 2017.pdf
1260 PC EU response to report of Head of OSCE mission to Bosnia.pdf
OSCE Permanent Council No. 1260 Vienna, 27 February 2020 EU Statement in Response to the Report
1290 PC EU reply to report by OSCE Representative to Latvian-Russian Joint Commission on Military Pensioners.pdf
1/2 OSCE Permanent Council No. 1290 Vienna, 19 November 2020 EU Statement in response to the report
Fjórða skýrsla Íslands um framkvæmd Samnings gegn pyndingum og annarri grimmilegri, ómannlegri eða vanvirðandi meðferð eða refsingu.pdf
and parliamentary monitoring committee and in annual reports to Parliament.
Parliamentary Resolution on a gender equality action programme for the period 2016-2019
progress reports to the Centre for Gender Equality.
Speeches and Articles
General Assembly - Joint Nordic Statement on the Report of the International Criminal Court
ICC plenary debate - Nordic Statement.pdf
Iceland_monetary_policy_Anderssson Jonung June 4 2018 final.pdf
Inflation Report, March 2000. Stockholm: Sveriges Riksbank.
1338 PC, 7 October 2021 (Update by SR CiO Ukraine and TCG and to report by CM SMM, execution of Ernest Johnson in the US)
EU reply to update by SR CiO Ukraine and TCG and to report by CM SMM EU statement on execution of Ernest
Auglýsing um breytingar á samningi um framtíðarsamvinnu ríkja varðandi fiskveiðar á Norðvestur-Atlantshafi.
resources or products derived from fishery resources originating in the Regulatory Area are landed; c) follow-up
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