pcdel1919 eu on ukraine 1349pc.pdf
the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/pcdel1919 eu on ukraine 1349pc.pdf
Statement on restriction to freedom of expression and assembly in Uganda
Iceland joins the European Union Delegation, the Heads of Mission of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France
Speeches and Articles
52nd Session of the Human Rights Council: General Debate on High Commissioner’s Oral Update
Iceland continues to monitor the UN Joint Programme on human rights in the Philippines.
1348 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
Russia's refusal, as a party to the conflict, to act responsibly by engaging constructively in the
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1348 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
1348 PC EU on Moldova.pdf
The OSCE Secretariat bears no responsibility for the content of this document and circulates it without
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1348 PC EU on Moldova.pdf
UN Biodiversity Conference and COP15 in Kunming, China
At COP15, held this week in Kunming, China, the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Mr.
Speeches and Articles
Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir on Climate and Sustainable Development for All
Madame President Thank you and the Secretary-General for your steadfast leadership in ensuring that
Statement at OSCE Permanent Council on Media Freedom and Security
Árnadóttir, Permanent Representative of Iceland, at the 1374th Permanent Council Meeting, Vienna, 19
Speeches and Articles
Address by the Foreign Minister of Iceland at the OSCE Permanent Council, 19 January 2023
Address by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Scholarship for studies in China during 2018-19
Further information on how to apply can be found here: http://farabara.is/styrkur-til-nams-i-kina-arid
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland on toxic substances and hazardous waste
Andri Júlíusson, counsellor, delivered today a statement on the dangers posed to workers handling toxic
1423 PC Meeting, 18 May 2023 (Response to the Head by the OSCE Mission in Montenegro)
EU Statement in Response to the Head by the OSCE Mission in Montenegro, Ambassador Dominique Waag
Consul General Nikulas Hannigan at Ukraine Flag Raising in NYC
Nikulas Hannigan attended a moving ceremony organized by the NYC Mayor’s Office to show solidarity for
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Mona Juul in the Open debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
SC: Sexual Violence in Conflict Statement by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and
Speeches and Articles
Joint Statement on the World Day against the Death Penalty at the OSCE Permanent Council, 19 October 2023
Joint Statement on the World Day against the Death Penalty at the OSCE Permanent Council, 19 October
pcdel1838 eu on ukraine 1346pc.pdf
For the first time since the additional measures to strengthen the ceasefire were agreed in July 2020
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/pcdel1838 eu on ukraine 1346pc.pdf
1326 PC, 29 July 2021 (World Day against Trafficking in Persons, recent developments in Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus)
EU statement on World Day against Trafficking in Persons EU statement on recent developments in Moldova
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