Speeches and Articles
49th session of the Human Rights Council: statement by Iceland during interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report on Ukraine
Interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report on Ukraine 30 March Statement by
Speeches and Articles
49th session of the Human Rights Council: statement by Iceland during interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report on Ukraine
Rights Council: statement by Iceland during interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral report
National report Iceland. Reykjavík: Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins og Iðan fræðslusetur.
1364 PC 24 March 2022 (Ukraine, ODIHR Report)
EU Statement in response to the report of the ODIHR Director, Matteo Mecacci.
Speeches and Articles
UN Women Peer to Peer Dialogue - Sexual Harassment and Intersectionality
It was exactly one week ago that we woke up here in New York to the horrible news that
Speeches and Articles
FFD Co-facilitators statement - ECOSOC Financing for Development
of the draft conclusions and recommendations of the 2022 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development follow-up
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement: Security Council Open Debate on Women Peace and Security
We call on Member States to adopt a zero-tolerance policy to address reprisals and to follow up with
MODEL SITES PROJECT IN ICELAND – VARDA Mission for Ministry of Industries and Innovation, Department of Tourism and Innovation
Mission for Ministry of Industries and Innovation, Department of Tourism Volume I Mission Final Report
and reproductive rights are well featured within its outcomes, with a good rate of acceptance and follow-up
Iceland's Ninth Periodic Report on the CEDAW.pdf
on the Government Offices website, in order to make it easier to follow up on the actions taken.
1343 PC EU reply to report by the Coordinator of OSCE EEA.pdf
OSCE Permanent Council No. 1343 Vienna, 4 November 2021 EU Statement in response to the report
1343 PC EU reply to report by the Commissioner on National Minorities.pdf
OSCE Permanent Council No. 1343 Vienna, 4 November 2021 EU Statement in Response to the Report
Auglýsing um breytingar á samningi um framtíðarsamvinnu ríkja varðandi fiskveiðar á Norðvestur-Atlantshafi.
resources or products derived from fishery resources originating in the Regulatory Area are landed; c) follow-up
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement UNGA76 - Report of the International Law Commission
, Norway and Sweden General Assembly 76th session, 28 October 2021, Agenda item 82 Report
Speeches and Articles
Joint Nordic Statement - Our Common Agenda
up and discussing its many recommendations.
1336 EU reply to External Auditor - Copy (1).pdf
Gary Eidet and his colleagues on the Audit Committee for their detailed reports.
Ræður og greinar
Ávarp á Hringborði norðurslóða - Samskipti Íslands og Grænlands
chairman, former president of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, for the great interest that the Greenland report
Ræður og greinar
Ávarp á Hringborði norðurslóða - Samskipti Íslands og Grænlands
It is important to widely discuss the opportunities and recommendations in this report, it can only make
Iceland’s Fifth Periodic Report on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights .pdf
provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland No 33/1944, refer to Iceland's previous reports
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