Speeches and Articles
Joint Statement from Members of the Green Group on World Oceans Day 2020
The adverse impacts of climate change impair the crucial ability of the ocean to act as climate regulator
Microsoft Word - FSC_2020_06_03_EU statement on Ukraine.docx
EUROPEAN UNION [email protected] • eeas.europa.eu/delegations/vienna • PAGE 1/3 OSCE Forum for Security
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/948 FSC EU on Ukraine.pdf
1269 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
will to negotiate an end to the conflict and call on Russia to act likewise, including within the
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1269 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland at informal consultations to launch review of the UN human rights treaty body system
Strengthening the human rights treaty bodies Statement by Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland
The Permanent Mission of Iceland in Vienna will be closed on 1 June 2020.
The Permanent Mission of Iceland to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE),
SHDM 25.5.2020 DK Joint Statement on Chechnya Moscow Mechanism.pdf
behalf of the delegations of Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland
Supplementary Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (SHDIM) on all Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination, 25-26 May 2020
Joint Statement on Chechenya Moscow Mechanism
PC 1268 - IDAHOBIT Joint Statement Rev 1- Andorra Canada Norway Switzerland UK formatted for distribution.pdf
Chairperson, I am delivering this statement on behalf of the delegations of Andorra, Iceland, Norway
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1268 PC CAN Joint Statement on IDAHOTB.pdf
946 FSC EU on SALW.pdf
joining this meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) and for their presentations, which
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/946 FSC EU on SALW.pdf
1268 PC EU on journalists in Belarus.pdf
The EU calls for their immediate release.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1268 PC EU on journalists in Belarus.pdf
1268 PC EU on Crimea.pdf
For four weeks in a row now, the SMM has recorded a rise in the number of ceasefire violations including
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1268 PC EU on Crimea.pdf
1268 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
OSCE Permanent Council No. 1268 Vienna, 21 May 2020 EU Statement on the illegal conscription in
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1268 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
1268 PC, 21 May 2020 (PO and DA Kyrgyzstan, PO Tajikistan, Ukraine, Crimea, journalists in Belarus, IDAHOBIT, Right of Reply IDAHOBIT)
EU reply to PO and DA in Kyrgyzstan EU reply to PO in Tajikistan EU statement on Ukraine EU statement
Speeches and Articles
Remarks of Iceland at UN LGBTI Core Group special event to mark IDAHOBIT
Dear colleagues, I am so pleased to take the floor on behalf of Iceland for the first time as a member
1267 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
The EU is also mobilising humanitarian support for vulnerable people on both sides of the contact line
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1267 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
Joint Vision for 2030 Sameiginleg framtíðarsýn Ísl og UK.pdf
SAMEIGINLEG SÝN FYRIR 2030 UM AÐ EFLA SAMSTARF MILLI ÍSLANDS OG BRETLANDS Bretland og Ísland eiga að baki langa sögu sem nágrannar í Norður-Atlantshafi með náin tengsl á sviði efnahagsm...
1267 PC, 14 May 2020 (Reply to PC Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Death Penalty in USA)
EU reply to PC Uzbekistan EU statement on Ukraine Joint Statement on Death Penalty in the USA
ODIHR Important for Democracy and Human Rights in Europe.
, at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on 14th May 2020.
Iceland to ease restrictions on international arrivals from 15 June
The Government of Iceland has today announced that it expects to start easing restrictions on international
1266 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
Still, we regret the situation on the ground with a 40% increase in ceasefire violations in one week
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1266 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
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