1262 PC, 12 March 2020 (Ukraine, CoEEA, MH-17, Jehova witnesses, death penalty in Belarus)
EU on Ukraínu EU reply to CoEEA EU on MH-17 EU on Jehova witnesses EU on death penalty in Belarus
1261 PC EU on Zero Discrimination Day.pdf
No one should be discriminated for what they are, whom they love and what they believe in.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1261 PC EU on Zero Discrimination Day.pdf
Speeches and Articles
National Plans of Action important for the implementation of UNSCR 1325.
Statement of the Permanent Representative of Iceland on 11 March 2020.
National Plans of Action important for the implementation of UNSCR 1325.
of the National Action Plans for the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security,
Speeches and Articles
Statement of Iceland at the trade policy review of Australia
cooperation in various international fora and sharing commitments to promoting a rule-based multilateral
Nordic Ambassadors on gender equity as a fundamental value
On the occasion of the 2020 International Women's Day, the ambassadors of the five Nordic countries published
1261 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
an end to the conflict and call on Russia to act likewise.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1261 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
OSCE´s Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) in Practice introduced in Iceland.
Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Justice of Iceland, addressed the workshop.
Competition assessment of laws and regulations in greece
- Extent of competition in the markets - Incentives for firms to engage in innovative activity -
Discussion on hybrid threats and cyber security important for Iceland.
and Risks to Security in the OSCE-Area at the first meeting of the Informal Working Group on the Dialogue
Speeches and Articles
Discussion on hybrid threats and cyber security important for Iceland.
Address of the Permanent Representative of Iceland on 28 February 2020.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/efst-a-baugi/frettir/stok-frett/2020/02/28/ss/
1260 PC EU on 5th anniverary of murder of Boris Nemtsov and human rights situation in Russia.pdf
Five years on, we remain deeply concerned about the ongoing crackdown on civil society in Russia, the
1260 PC EU on re-arrest of Osman Kavala.pdf
Kavala's arrest and detention were in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and called
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1260 PC EU on re-arrest of Osman Kavala.pdf
1260 PC EU on Crimea and Sevastopol.pdf
This act, which we do not and will not recognise, is in complete violation of international law and
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1260 PC EU on Crimea and Sevastopol.pdf
1260 PC EU on cyber-attack against Georgia.pdf
This cyber-attack, which showed disregard for security and stability in cyberspace, undermines the
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1260 PC EU on cyber-attack against Georgia.pdf
1260 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
In this context, we reiterate our call on Russia to return to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1260 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
1260 PC, 27 February 2020 (Ukraine, Crimea and Sevastopol, Boris Nemtsov and Human Rights in Russia, re-arrest of Osman Kavala, cyber attacks against Georgia, presentation of Chairperson SC, report of HoM Bosnia, AOB Slovakia)
EU on Ukraine EU on Crimea and Sevastopol EU on cyber attacks against Georgia EU on 5th anniversary of
Ræður og greinar
Sustainable Arctic in a Changing World - fyrirlestur í Stradins-háskóla í Ríga
Iceland´s focus on gender equality, in particular on the role of men in that regard, is another example
Ræður og greinar
Sustainable Arctic in a Changing World - fyrirlestur í Stradins-háskóla í Ríga
Iceland´s focus on gender equality, in particular on the role of men in that regard, is another example
1259 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
In this context, we commend the Ukrainian leadership for their constructive approach and the political
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/library/09-Sendirad/Vin/1259 PC EU on Ukraine.pdf
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