A National Welfare Technology Programme in Norway, why and how?
for both users and their relatives and give possabileties for them to keep in steady contact with
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Ræða á fundi í Brussel um "Iceland´s approach to the fish resources in the Arctic", 7. maí 2014
When serious overfishing became apparent in many parts of the world we started to act.
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Ræða á fundi í Brussel um "Iceland´s approach to the fish resources in the Arctic", 7. maí 2014
When serious overfishing became apparent in many parts of the world we started to act.
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Reference report of the Icelandic Qualifications Framework ISQF to the European Qualifications Framework for Life Long Learning EQF
ritsReference report of the Icelandic Qualifications Framework ISQF to the European Qualifications Framework for
For comparison, the cost of running a coast guard vessel on Iceland, with the same amount of days at
/Information for foreign residents
Information about the Local Government Elections on 31 May for foreign nationals registered as legally
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The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory schools - with Subjects Areas [Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla : almennur hluti 2011 : greinasvið 2013]
Titill ritsThe Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory schools - with Subjects Areas [Aðalnámskrá
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Ræða á ráðstefnunni Public Private Partnership Seminar and Partner meeting on Visions for Nordic Pre-breeding Collaboration, 27. febrúar 2014
valuable input for discussions on this future strategy for the Public Private Partnership breeding collaboration
Reference report of the Icelandic Qualifications Framework ISQF to the European Qualifications Framework for Life Long Learning EQF
School Act no. 92/2008 and The Act on Education and Recruitment of Teachers and Head Teachers in Pre-School
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Viking age sites in northern Europe : a transnational serial nomination to UNESCO´S world heritage list
Titill ritsViking age sites in northern Europe : a transnational serial nomination to UNESCO´S world
/Íslandsstofa heldur uppi merki „Film in Iceland“ verkefnisins
framkvæmdastjóri Íslandsstofu samning um að Íslandsstofa myndi áfram annast umsjón verkefnisins Film in
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Ræða á félagsfundi Iceland Geothermal, 17. des. 2013
að fá að koma og ávarpa ykkur í lokin á þessum ágæta félagsfundi hins íslenska jarðvarmaklasa (eða Iceland
My pages - Mínar síður on the Icelandic Government Ministries' website: User guidelines
The URL for My pages is minarsidur.stjr.is Sign in using one of three methods: With your electronic
Chairman, In this context allow me to look back and reflect briefly on the initial purpose of our
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Women in Parliaments (WIP) Global Forum 2013
me to be here to accept, on behalf of Iceland, the award being presented today.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/raeda/2013/11/27/Women-in-Parliaments-WIP-Global-Forum-2013/
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OECD review : skills beyond school : national background report for ICELAND
Titill ritsOECD review : skills beyond school : national background report for ICELANDHöfundurSkúlína
Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) of the government of Uganda and the Government of Iceland
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