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Health Care System reform and short termsavings opportunities. Iceland Health Care System project
Skýrsla ráðgjafafyrirtækisins Boston Consulting Group um íslenska heilbrigðiskerfið. Skýrslan birtir upplýsingar úr greiningarvinnu ráðgjafafyrirtækisins sem unnin var í tengslum við vinnu ráðgjafahóp...
Rit og skýrslur
Health Care System reform and short termsavings opportunities. Iceland Health Care System project
Iceland Health Care System project Skýrsla ráðgjafafyrirtækisins Boston Consulting Group um íslenska
Microsoft PowerPoint - Iceland HCS-Final report- Long version.pptx
Primary care has similar incentives challenges with fee-for service for private after hours GPs while
Microsoft PowerPoint - Iceland HCS-Final report-short version.pptx
As the Ministry of Welfare was in urgent need of external input as part of deciding on priorities for
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Skýrslan um Inspired by Iceland 2010-2011.
Út er komin skýrslan um markaðsátakið Inspired by iceland 2010 - 2011.
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Conference on Cod farming in the Nordic Countries
cod farming in the Nordic Countries held in Reykjavík. In the first one held in 2005 there were
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Conference on Cod farming in the Nordic Countries
to express my appreciation to all those attending the conference on Cod farming in the Nordic Countries
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Modernisation of higher education in Europe : funding and the social dimension : 2011
Titill ritsModernisation of higher education in Europe : funding and the social dimension : 2011HöfundurÚtgáfuár2011Fjöldi
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Welfare and professionalism in Turbulent Times
velferðarráðherra á norrænni ráðstefnu um velferðarmál og fagmennsku: „Welfare and professionalism in
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/raeda/2011/08/11/Welfare-and-professionalism-in-Turbulent-Times/
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Welfare and professionalism in Turbulent Times
félagsmálaráðherra 2010, heilbrigðisráðherra 2010, velferðarráðherra 2011-2013 Welfare and professionalism in
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Building on solid foundations : science and technology policy for Iceland 2010 - 2012
Titill ritsBuilding on solid foundations : science and technology policy for Iceland 2010 - 2012HöfundurÚtgáfuár2011Fjöldi
Outlook and Prospects for Iceland’s Economy
the program in August.The initial prognosis was not good • As you know, Iceland is in an unprecedented
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School development in Europe
School development here in Iceland I would like to reflect a little on the history of Icelandic schooling
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/raeda/2011/05/25/School-development-in-Europe/
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School development in Europe
School development here in Iceland I would like to reflect a little on the history of Icelandic schooling
/Inspired by Iceland „inspírerar“ dómnefnd Effie verðlaunanna
„Inspired by Iceland“ verkefnið sem hleypt var af stokkunum í kjölfar eldgossins í Eyjafkallajökli hefur
Rit og skýrslur
Policy on Public Universities
Titill ritsPolicy on Public UniversitiesHöfundurÚtgáfuár2011Fjöldi bls.2RitröðSkýrslur og álitsgerðirEfnisorðHáskólar
Trafficking in Human Beings
Hefur íslenska aðgerðaáætlunin gegn mansali staðist prófið? Hildur Jónsdóttir Formaður sérfræði- og samhæfingarteymis um mansal Jafnréttisþing 4. febrúar 2011 Aðgerðaáætlun gegn ma...
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Setningarræða á Bridgemóti Iceland Express - Reykjavík bridge festival
This festival has been growing ever since and has become a well known regular event on the bridge scene
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Setningarræða á Bridgemóti Iceland Express - Reykjavík bridge festival
This festival has been growing ever since and has become a well known regular event on the bridge scene
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN