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Ávarp ráðherra á ráðstefnunni Quality and development in Nordic Higher Education í Háskóla Íslands, 16. apríl 2009
In short one could say, that the crisis has told us one thing in particular - when it comes to investments
Sjá Sænsku committee for research infrastructures
ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) er samstarfsvettvangur innan Evrópuráðsins
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/media/forsaetisraduneyti-media/media/vt/vegvisir-juni2009.pdf
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Education, research and innovation policy : a new direction for Iceland
Titill ritsEducation, research and innovation policy : a new direction for IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár2009Fjöldi
Rit og skýrslur
Stefna í menntun, vísindum og nýsköpun : ný stefna fyrir Ísland [þýðing á inngangi og kafla 4 úr skýrslunni Education, research and innovation policy : a new direction for Iceland]
þýðing á inngangi og kafla 4 úr skýrslunni Education, research and innovation policy : a new direction for
The NBVF was provided an initial allocation of USD 53 million (ISK 5 billion) in 1998, but its investments
Continental Shelf Submission of Iceland
The research vessel Árni Friðriksson RE 200 of the Marine Research Institute of Iceland, used for acquiring
/Ráðstefna um gæðamál á háskólastigi - Quality and Development in Nordic Higher Education haldin 16. 17. apríl
Á ráðstefnunni verða fimm málstofur um mál sem eru í deiglunni varðandi gæði skólastarfs á háskólastigi á norðurlöndunum.Ráðstefna um gæðamál á háskólastigi verður haldin í hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands,...
Ræður og greinar
Opnunarræða Gylfa Magnússonar viðskiptaráðherra á Seed Forum Iceland þann 3. apríl 2009
Gylfi Magnússon ávarp á Seed Forum Iceland 03.04.2009 Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like
Rit og skýrslur
Education, creativity and entrepreneurship in an era of global change : programme for the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in research, culture and education [Menntun, sköpunarkraftur og frumkvæði á tímum hnattrænna breytinga : formennskuáætlun Íslendinga]
Titill ritsEducation, creativity and entrepreneurship in an era of global change : programme for the
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Seminar on Human Resources for Health the Future of Health Care
education or profession, but on the other hand what options are there for countries that desperately
Ræður og greinar
Seminar on Human Resources for Health the Future of Health Care
education or profession, but on the other hand what options are there for countries that desperately
of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflicts, Iceland submitted its initial report
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Accreditation report : doctoral studies in humanities, natural science and engineering : University of Iceland
Titill ritsAccreditation report : doctoral studies in humanities, natural science and engineering : University
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Accreditation report : doctoral studies in computer science : Reykjavík University
Titill ritsAccreditation report : doctoral studies in computer science : Reykjavík UniversityHöfundurExpert
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OECD/CERI project : digital learning resources as systemic innovation : background report : Iceland
TungumálÍslenskaOECD/CERI project : digital learning resources as systemic innovation : background report : Iceland
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National summary sheets on educatio systems in Europe and ongoing reforms : Iceland : novemer 2008
Titill ritsNational summary sheets on educatio systems in Europe and ongoing reforms : Iceland : novemer
Rit og skýrslur
Bologna process : template for national reports 2007-2009
Titill ritsBologna process : template for national reports 2007-2009HöfundurÚtgáfuár2008Fjöldi bls.42RitröðRit
Rit og skýrslur
Sektorplan : uddannelse, kreativitet og entreprenørskab i globaliseringens tid : Islands formandskabsprogram for Nordisk Ministerråds samarbejde om forskning, kultur og uddannelse [Menntun, sköpunarkraftur og frumkvæði á tímum hnattrænna breytinga : formennskuáætlun Íslendinga]
: uddannelse, kreativitet og entreprenørskab i globaliseringens tid : Islands formandskabsprogram for
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Ársfundur European Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health
behalf of the Government of Iceland, it is a pleasure for me to wish you all welcome to Iceland.
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN