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Konference"Fremtiden for fiskeindustrien i Norden"
dem, der måtte have behov for dem.
/Nýr samningur um Iceland Naturally
Sturla Böðvarsson, samgönguráðherra, tilkynnti á ársfundi Iceland Naturally sem haldinn var í dag í Washington
/Advertisement regarding the Referendum to be held on 20 October 2012
the Constitutional Council for a draft Constitutional Act and particular points relating to the proposals
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Bank Crisis First-In Will Be First-Out
on others.
Slóð: https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/raeda/2010/05/21/Bank-Crisis-First-In-Will-Be-First-Out/
Rit og skýrslur
Science and technology policy : Iceland
MRNEfnisorðTæknistefna,Vísindamál,VísindastefnaISBN:9979-9550-8-2TungumálEnskaScience and technology policy : Iceland
Rit og skýrslur
Economic Development in the Nordic Countries: 2009 Report
Economic Development in the Nordic Countries: 2009 Report
/Iceland Naturally vekur athygli í London
Þetta segir Stephen Brown, forstöðumaður Icelandair í Bretlandi, um kynningarátakið Iceland Naturally
Rit og skýrslur
Advantage for the Future : Project Plan for e-Learning 2001-2003 [Forskot til framtíðar]
Titill ritsAdvantage for the Future : Project Plan for e-Learning 2001-2003 [Forskot til framtíðar]HöfundurÚtgáfuár2001Fjöldi
/Iceland Naturally af stað í Þýskalandi
Verkefnið Iceland Naturally, þar sem náttúra Íslands og matvæli eru kynnt á erlendum mörkuðum, hófst
/Nýr formaður Iceland Naturally skipaður
Nýlega var haldinn árlegur fundur Iceland Naturally þar sem tilkynnt var að samgönguráðherra hefði skipað
Ræður og greinar
Ársfundur European Society for Social Paediatrics and Child Health
behalf of the Government of Iceland, it is a pleasure for me to wish you all welcome to Iceland.
Reference report of the Icelandic Qualifications Framework ISQF to the European Qualifications Framework for Life Long Learning EQF
School Act no. 92/2008 and The Act on Education and Recruitment of Teachers and Head Teachers in Pre-School
Ræður og greinar
Committe for Education and Cultural Action - Þjóðminjasafn 5. október 2009
view of the present and a balanced perspective on the future.
Rit og skýrslur
Accreditation report : social science : University of Iceland
Úttektir - háskóla- og vísindamálISBN:TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : social science : University of Iceland
Ræður og greinar
International Association for Adolescent Health 15th European Annual Meeting
All too often, children and teens have to spend much time on waiting for help – waiting for crucial interviews
FJÓRÐA AÐALDEILD LOKAÁKVÖRÐUN UM MEÐFERÐARHÆFI í kæru nr. 29785/07 H. gegn Íslandi Mannréttindadómstóll Evrópu (fjórða aðaldeild), sem situr í deild hinn 27. september,skipa...
Rit og skýrslur
Accreditation report : agriculture : Agricultural University of Iceland
háskóla- og vísindamálISBN:TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : agriculture : Agricultural University of Iceland
Rit og skýrslur
Viking age sites in northern Europe : a transnational serial nomination to UNESCO´S world heritage list
Titill ritsViking age sites in northern Europe : a transnational serial nomination to UNESCO´S world
Rit og skýrslur
The Nordic Youth Research 2010 : a comparative research among 16 to 19 year old students in the Åland Islands, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
Titill ritsThe Nordic Youth Research 2010 : a comparative research among 16 to 19 year old students in
Rit og skýrslur
Stefna í menntun, vísindum og nýsköpun : ný stefna fyrir Ísland [þýðing á inngangi og kafla 4 úr skýrslunni Education, research and innovation policy : a new direction for Iceland]
þýðing á inngangi og kafla 4 úr skýrslunni Education, research and innovation policy : a new direction for
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN