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Hvatt til samvinnu Evrópuþjóða - ECAD Mayors meeting in Milano
In Iceland, the situation WAS similar.
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Icelandic national report on the implementation of the Socrates and Leonardo programmes
Titill ritsIcelandic national report on the implementation of the Socrates and Leonardo programmesHöfundurÚtgáfuár2007Fjöldi
/Ný stjórn Iceland Naturally í Evrópu
hefur skipað Valgerði Baldursdóttur, eiganda og fjármálastjóra ferðaskrifstofunnar Lax-á ehf., formann Iceland
/Nýir fulltrúar stjórnvalda í stjórn Iceland Naturally í Bandaríkjunum
align=justify>Samgönguráðherra hefur skipað Skúla Helgason, framkvæmdastjóra Samfylkingarinnar, formann Iceland
Accreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of science, University of Iceland
(63/2006) and further developed in the University of Iceland Act (41/1999).
Accreditation report : engineering and technology : Faculty of engineering and technology, University of Iceland
The policy of UI for 2006-2011 was approved by the University General Forum on 5th May 2006.
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Accreditation report : arts : Iceland Academy of the Arts
Titill ritsAccreditation report : arts : Iceland Academy of the ArtsHöfundurExpert CommitteeÚtgáfuár2007Fjöldi
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Accreditation report : engineering and technology : Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Iceland
TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : engineering and technology : Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Iceland
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The human face of medicine in a hi-tech world - 15. þing norrænna heimilislækna í Reykjavík
the World Health Organisation (WHO), with Iceland emphasising that this calls for a joint undertaking
Accreditation report : humanities : Faculty of humanities and faculty of theology, University of Iceland
society are laid out in the University of Iceland Act 1999.
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Accreditation report : humanities : Faculty of humanities and faculty of theology, University of Iceland
TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : humanities : Faculty of humanities and faculty of theology, University of Iceland
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Accreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of Science, University of Iceland
vísindamálISBN:TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of Science, University of Iceland
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Accreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Iceland
TungumálEnskaAccreditation report : natural sciences : Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Agricultural University of Iceland
Science and Technology Policy Council 2003-2006 : external evaluation report : commissioned by the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland
6 Policy Mix for Innovation in Iceland.
Science and Technology Policy Council 2003-2006 : external evaluation report : commissioned by the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland
6 Policy Mix for Innovation in Iceland.
Ræður og greinar
Our Responsibility - Iceland's Security and Defence
Now, as we stand once again at a crossroads on these issues, there is no better forum for examining the
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Science and Technology Policy Council 2003-2006 : external evaluation report : commissioned by the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Reykjavík, Iceland
and Technology Policy Council 2003-2006 : external evaluation report : commissioned by the Ministry for
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Education and training 2010 : the development of education policy in Iceland in the context of Europe [Menntun í mótun]
Titill ritsEducation and training 2010 : the development of education policy in Iceland in the context
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Nomination of Surtsey for the UNESCO World Heritage List
Titill ritsNomination of Surtsey for the UNESCO World Heritage ListHöfundurÚtgáfuár2007Fjöldi bls.123RitröðRit
/Reglur um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in Natural Resources Law and International Environmental Law) við lagadeild Háskóla Íslands
Stjórnartíðindum reglur um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in
Sjá leiðbeiningar um leitina. Leitin nýtir sér opin gögn frá BÍN