Ræður og greinar
Iceland and the importance of becoming a member of the EU family
discourse on European Union membership in Iceland.
Rit og skýrslur
Skýrsla sérfræðinga á vegum OECD um æðri menntun á Íslandi : OECD Thematic Review of Higher Education : Country Note Iceland 2006 : samantekt og íslenskur útdráttur
sérfræðinga á vegum OECD um æðri menntun á Íslandi : OECD Thematic Review of Higher Education : Country Note Iceland
Ræður og greinar
Statement at the Meeting of the Ministers in The Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Murmansk, May 31. 1996.
and general conditions for investments and trade.
Chokwe aquaculture station compared to the initial estimates of $1.2 for the museum and $2.8 for Chockwe
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a rural school [hluti af lokaskýrslu Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a rural school [hluti af
Accreditation report : field of health sciences, University of Iceland [Eingöngu á rafrænu formi]
The function of UI is described in the University of Iceland Act No. 41/1999.
Ræður og greinar
Ávarp á Venture Iceland ´99 - Fjárfestingaþingi, 8. september 1999
september 1999 Matvælaráðuneytið Finnur Ingólfsson, iðnaðar- og viðskiptaráðherra 1996-1999 Ávarp á Venture Iceland
Accreditation report : engineering and technology : Faculty of engineering and technology, University of Iceland
The policy of UI for 2006-2011 was approved by the University General Forum on 5th May 2006.
/Reglur nr. 345/2008 um breytingu á reglum nr. 1055/2006, um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in Natural Resources Law and International and Environmental Law
reglum nr. 1055/2006, um alþjóðlegt meistaranám í auðlindarétti og alþjóðlegum umhverfisrétti (LL.M. in
Accreditation report : humanities : Faculty of humanities and faculty of theology, University of Iceland
society are laid out in the University of Iceland Act 1999.
Rit og skýrslur
External assessment of University of Iceland (HÍ), The Teaching Certification Program, University College of Education (KHÍ), University of Akureyri (HA), The Compulsory School Program and the Teaching Certification Program : report of the peer review group
Titill ritsExternal assessment of University of Iceland (HÍ), The Teaching Certification Program, University
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