Ræður og greinar
Statement at the Eureka Ministerial Conference in Brussels, June 28, 1996.
on the global market.
Ræður og greinar
Statement at the Meeting of the Ministers in The Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Murmansk, May 31. 1996.
and general conditions for investments and trade.
Ræður og greinar
Statement at the Meeting of the Ministers in The Barents Euro-Arctic Council, Murmansk, May 31. 1996.
and general conditions for investments and trade.
Rit og skýrslur
Industrial competitiveness and technology policies : outlook 1995 : Iceland
,VísindastefnaISBN:TungumálEnskaIndustrial competitiveness and technology policies : outlook 1995 : Iceland
Rit og skýrslur
The Educational system in Iceland
Titill ritsThe Educational system in IcelandHöfundurÚtgáfuár1995Fjöldi bls.42RitröðSérritEfnisorðMenntakerfiISBN
Rit og skýrslur
Active life for disabled youth : integration in the school : integration, strength and limits : presentation of the Icelandic study
Titill rits Active life for disabled youth : integration in the
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a school in a costal village [hluti af lokaskýrslu Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a school in a costal village
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : three case studies [Lokaskýrsla Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : three case studies [Lokaskýrsla Íslands
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a rural school [hluti af lokaskýrslu Íslands í OECD/CERI verkefninu
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of a rural school [hluti af
Rit og skýrslur
Students with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of an urban school
Titill ritsStudents with disabilities in Icelandic schools : a case study of an urban schoolHöfundurÚtgáfuár1992Fjöldi
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