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Dagsetning Titill
07.10.2019  -   Icelandic Government Scholarship Open for Application
30th Anniversary of the Embassy of Iceland in Beijing: Highlighting the Synergy Between Gender Equality and Renewable Energy
Ambassador Participated in a Solidarity Event at the Embassy of Palestine
The Ambassadors of the Nordic Countries met with Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC
Ambassador Ibsen's Meeting with Director General of the European Department of the MFA of China
DHoM of the Embassy of Iceland Attended the Opening Ceremony of the “Ocean on Paper” Exhibition
Director General for Trade and Economic Affairs of the MFA of Iceland Visited China
Job Vacancy
GRO GTP training in Shanxi Province
Take Action to End Gender-Based Violence
Celebrating the Day of the Icelandic Language
Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Iceland Visited Shanghai
Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Iceland Visited Qingdao City in Shandong Province
2024 Global Ocean Development Forum in Qingdao
Parliamentary Elections
Opening Ceremony of the Solo Exhibition of Icelandic Artist Kristinn Már Pálmason
Yantai Island Countries Green and Low Carbon Development Exchange Conference
The Icelandic ensemble Umbra Performed in Beijing
Iceland at the Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum 2024
Umbra China Tour 2024
GRÓ Annual Report 2023 published
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen's Interview with Financial Times Chinese
2024 Shanxi Tourism Development Conference
2024 Qinghai Investment & Trade Fair for Green Development
Visit from the the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People´s Republic of China
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Iceland China Free Trade Agreement
Job Vacancy
Ambassador visited the Icelandic Research Center in Jinan
IBF Meeting
Meeting with MOFCOM
Embassy Held Virtual Meeting with Iceland´s Honorary Consuls
Ambassador Ibsen Participated in the China Center for Globalization (CCG) Roundtable
Political Dialogue between Iceland and China
The Signing Ceremony of Marel China in Kunshan City
Take Action To End Gender-Based Violence
Ambassador Visited the Local Partner of OSSUR in Shenzhen
2023 China Marine Economy Expo and the Shenzhen International Marine Week
Iceland at the China-Nordic Economic & Trade Forum
Celebrating the Day of the Icelandic Language
2023 China International Import Expo in Shanghai
2023 China Fisheries & Seafood Expo in Qingdao
2023 China-ASEAN Expo Tourism Exhibition in Guilin
HeforShe: Mobilize Men and Women to Act in Solidarity Towards Gender Equality
Laufey Performed at the Poly Theatre in Beijing
The Inauguration Ceremony of the CO2 to Methanol Plant of the Jiangsu Sailboat Petrochemical
The World Geothermal Congress 2023 in Beijing
The 9th China and Globalization Forum
Graduate Ceremony of the 2nd Sino-Icelandic Geothermal Training Programme
Air Atlanta in Zhengzhou
Iceland at the Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum 2023
Visit from the Int. Department of the CPC
The 2nd Sino-Icelandic Geothermal Training Programme Opening Ceremony
Northeast Asia Exposition of Culture, Tourism and Innovation 2023
Representatives of the Embassy of Iceland Visited Gansu Province
Ambassador Ibsen Boosting Trade & Economic Cooperation with Sichuan
The Nordic Ambassadors Visit Heilongjiang
CCG Ambassadors’ Roundtable - In Conversation with Nordic Ambassadors
Ambassador Met Representatives from Shanxi Geological Survey Bureau and Shanxi Geological Group
20th Anniversary Celebration for Icelandair in China
The Speaker of Alþingi Held Online Meeting With The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China
Ambassador Met With Representative from Shanxi Provincial Foreign Affairs Office
Ambassador Addresses at the Yantai-Europe Conference on Green and Low-Carbon Industry Cooperation
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen visited Yantai city in Shandong Province
International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen Presented His Credentials
Ambassador Met the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Maximus Musicus Children´s Choir Concert
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen Attended the 41st China International Assistive Product Expo
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen Visited Zhumadian City
The Ambassador met with Mongolian geothermal energy specialists.
​A lecture at the School of International Relations & Public Affairs
The Ambassador met with the Minister of Environment & Tourism of Mongolia
Ambassador’s Meeting with the Foreign Minister of Mongolia
Ambassador Presented Credentials to the President of Mongolia
Nordic Embassies in China Celebrating the Nordic Day
Iceland at the 2023 Harbin International Ice & Snow Expo
Embassy´s Meeting with Representatives of Heilongjiang Social Rehabilitation Hospital in Harbin
Nordic Cinema Art Week: Sustainable Stories
Ambassadors Gathered Together in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine
One Year Since Russia's Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen visited Anyang
Embassy Held Virtual Meeting with Members of the Icelandic Business Forum
Ambassador Visited the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
Ambassador’s Meeting with the Vice Minister of International Department of CPC Central Committee
Ambassador’s Meeting with Center for China Globalization
Meeting with the delegation of the Hubei Department of Commerce
Ambassador Thorir Ibsen visited Hong Kong
Take Action To End Gender-Based Violence
The Embassy visits Wuhan and Hubei Province
The Icelandic Stand received the Win-Win Cooperation Award for the 5th Anniversary of CIIE
The Embassy of Iceland Had Busy Days in Shanghai
Ambassador Presented Credentials to the King of Thailand
Breast Cancer Awareness Day
West Nordic Day 2022
Autumn virtual meeting with the Icelandic Business Forum (IBF) in China
Ambassador Addresses at the Opening Ceremony of the China-Europe Sustainable Development Qingdao Forum
Icelandic Prime Minister Addresses Low Carbon Forum
Meeting with the International Health and Environment Industries Association
Online Children´s Art Competition – Bejing
Sinopec´s Geothermal Exhibition at the China Science and Technology Museum
10th World Peace Forum – Beijing
Ambassador's meeting with Mr.Chen Ning Deputy Director General of MOFCOM
Ambassador's Meeting with Mr. Zheng Huiyu, DDG
Dissertation defence of BA candidates at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) studying Icelandic
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Visit to Innolink China
Meeting between Nordic countries in China and Hubei Department of Commerce and Jointown Pharmaceutical Group
The Nordic Ambassadors to China Met With Representatives of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of China
Meetings with Hubei Foreign Affairs Office and Hubei Health Commission
The Ambassadors of the Nordic Baltic countries welcoming their US colleague Ambassador Nicholas Burns to Beijing
The Embassy of Iceland in Beijing Held Virtual Meeting with Icelanders in Shanghai
Ambassador’s Meeting with Mr. Li Gao DG of the Dept of Climate Change of Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Ambassador met with Ms. Chen Danhong Director General of Ministry of Natural Resources
Ambassador Visited SINOPEC
Ambassador Met with Mr. Wu Hongbo Special Representative of China on European Affairs
Ambassador had meeting with Mr. Gao Feng Special Envoy on Arctic Affairs
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
Embassy Held Virtual Meeting with Iceland´s Honorary Consuls
Meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Iceland and China
Ambassador Addressed the Annual Meeting of Össur China with Key Clients
Carbon Recycling International's New Consortium Established at the Embassy
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations
China´s Special Representative for European Affairs Visited Iceland
Friendly Curling Competition with Embassy of Norway
The Second Briefing of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
Take Action To End Gender-Based Violence
Reykjavik Conversation Meeting Held At Embassy Today
Embassy of Iceland Celebrated The Day of Icelandic Language
Ambassador’s Visit to Beijing Organizing Committee for 2022 Olympics
Ambassador´s visit to Juneyao Air in Shanghai
Sino-Nordic Sustainable Healthcare Cooperation Forum
2021 Hubei-Shanghai Conference on Business Cooperation and Investment Promotion
The 4Th China International Import Expo 2021
A visit to the Shanghai Institute for International Studies
Ambassador Attended Marel Shanghai Progress Point Inauguration Ceremony
Ambassador Visited MFE Shanghai Technology Development Co. Ltd
Icelandic Government Scholarships For The Academic Year 2022-2023
Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships
Ambassador Visited The Beijing HQ of Iceland’s Arctic Green Energy
Ambassador Met With Mr.Xue Qingguo Vice Mayor of Qingdao
China Fisheries & Seafood Expo in Qingdao
Ambassador Met With Mr. Ma Youxiang Vice Minister of Agriculture of China
Ambassador Met With Chinese Premier Li Keqiang
The Embassy attends the China Young Horse: Sherwood Grand Prix 2021 in Beijing
The Embassy of Iceland and Visit Iceland participate in the China-ASEAN Tourism Exhibition in Guilin
Ambassador Visited the Icelandic Chinese Company
UN Biodiversity Conference and COP15 in Kunming, China
The Nordic Wildlife Photo Exhibition Born to Be Wild
The Nordic Ambassadors in Beijing meet with the United Nations Resident Coordinator in China
The CO2 to Green Methanol Project Signing Ceremony
The Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo 2021 in Guangzhou
Ambassador met with students of Icelandic at the Beijing Foreign Studies University
Ambassador's meeting with Assistant Foreign Minister of China
China Quality Conference and Foreign Diplomats´ Visit to Zhejiang
Ambassador Met Virtually with Members of the Icelandic Business Forum
Ambassador´s meeting with the Department of Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
Information regards on Iceland Visa Application Centre restart
The Embassy Operates with Restricted Services until 10 February
Changes on Visa Fees
Icelandic VACs closed until 3 February 2020
Icelandic Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture visits China
Icelandic Government Scholarship Open for Application
Icelandic salmon can now be imported to China
New Icelandic Visa Application Center in Hangzhou, Nanjing and Fuzhou
Job Vacancy
The visa office will be closed for the Spring Festival
Scholarship for studies in China during 2018-19
Newly appointed Ambassador Gunnar Snorri presents a copy of credentials
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